Decision Time for GF Gladiators?
I believe I am fairly well-informed on all things Splinterlands, even though I am not involved in everything in the Splinterlands ecosystem. However, given a sizeable investment in the game, I need to pay attention to the changes and how they might affect my investment and my existing or future plans.
Despite my intention to stay up to date, I sometimes miss out on things. For example, I've just noticed in a post of @newageinv that in the future gold foil gladiators would no longer be burnable for DEC.
I don't know what the reason is for that, I assume it's one of the newest farming methods for bot farms, to buy lots of gladius cases with merits earned as rewards in loot chests, and burn gladiator cards for DEC. If that's the reasoning, it makes sense to me, as it's a way to print DEC that can get out of hand when we deal with bot farms, instead of regular people managing one or even multiple accounts, but not hundreds and maybe even thousands of accounts.
Most of us don't have a good use case for GF gladiators unless we play GF frays in our Guilds' brawls.
I burned my GF gladiators a long time ago and used DEC on land. But still, whatever GF gladiators I found in the gladius cases since then, I have no use case for them, and I've just burned them. I don't know when they'll stop being burnable for DEC, but I don't see a reason for waiting, especially since I had already taken this road of burning them a long time ago.
Anyway, I thought I should just mention it. It's likely many players haven't heard or forgotten this information already, and it could mean wasting maybe even dozens of thousands of DEC if you don't need GF gladIators in particular. It certainly passed by me and I'm glad I've caught it by chance.
What will you choose?
- keep GF gladiators
- burn for merits later
- burn for DEC while still available
For me the decision was clear. But there are other cases where it isn't as clear. If you play GF frays, you probably want the GF gladiators. If you look in perspective at what guilds might become, maybe GF gladiators are good in your collection. But for me the immediate goal represented by land took precedence.
As you can see, I no longer have any GF gladiators:
I don't remember how much DEC I got for them because I burned most of them a long time ago, but I know it was into the hundreds of thousands (something like 200k-400k). I think it was worth it.
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Posted Using InLeo Alpha
It's a good thing use are staying updated with the happening in the game zone. I looked at it that playing the Splinterlands might not be good success for me. So, I didn't look in that direction 😀. But knowing from you that one could actually invest and earn, I think I'll try that
There are lots of things to do in Splinterlands and different strategies that can be applied. From pure gamers to pure investors to pure collectors and everything in between, you can find all sorts of people.
This is quite the perfect time to make strategic plans
Plans make the life easy and decisions are good to make
It is already very difficult to get enough Gladiator Cards to Level Up. It will take a long time before I even start burning any of these. I want to have one of each at Max Level just in case. I only use few of these regularly. But small advantages matter.
Yeah, I keep them too, but the regular kind, not the GF ones. I don't see the point of having both, unless you play the GF frays.
I love how you keep being updated about everything going on in Splinterlands and it will even help you in your decision making process so I wish you goodluck
burn the ones you think are not valuable, the others can be used with the summoner/rule which allows a gladiator card in ranked battles
that's what i will do
I keep regular ones for battles. It's true GF ones give a boost in ranked battle rewards, but they often had a lower level than my regular ones.
In that case, better keep regular ones and burn gold, considering level card per league has been removed too
Yep, that's what I did.
thanks for this info, I think I will burn all my GF gladiator cards for buy other cards before it is no longer possible to do so
@tipu curate
Yeah, seems like a good idea to unlock the DEC and use it differently, unless you specifically need the GF gladiador cards.
Oh, I didn't know this was happening, so thanks for the update. I play mostly in Bronze and I have been using GF gladiator cards there from time to time. In higher leagues where they aren't as useful, I guess a lot of people will burn them. I have seen a lot of whales burn GF Epics.
In bronze, it makes sense to keep your GF gladiators. They give a little reward boost, although now there are no league limitations on card upgrades that can be used.
Yep! I burned one or two GFLs too. Nice DEC for them!
I keep my GF gladiators because I participate in the gold foil brawls. So I never burned it and I never thought that the bots were burning them for DEC.
It makes sense to keep them for GF freys, but I never participate in them.
It's just a supposition. It's still a way to farm DEC using lots of accounts (bot farms, not individual bots), and I assume they exploited this loophole.
The GF gladiator cards is getting more often and I believe the value will increase as time goes by
So, you'd pay the DEC necessary to unlock them to make them tradable? Because they are soulbound. Maybe it'll be worth it at some point. Who knows?