Animal Importation, Associated Risk and Advantages.
Let's talk about something a little different than the regular animal/pet infections we are used to talking about on this blog. Hello friends, welcome once again to my page where I always love to take you through the animal world and what we as pet owners must be careful about.
I started my write-up by saying we will be talking about something different because thinking differently today is about thinking about the pros and cons of animal importation, before you read on, do you think it is a good idea for us to import animals? let's see what some experts have to say about your answers.
How do we get to have some types of animals in other regions if there is no chance for importation? But there is a place for risk as well. Risk can be experienced in the form of encountering harm, loss, or damage, due to the presence of chance, it isn't in our place to tell what exactly could happen.
When an animal is imported into a country, it poises a certain level of disease risk to th country importing it, there could be several risks associated with a proposed importation. This is a reason why import risk analysis is highly essential, it's aim is to provide the country importing with a particular objctive and a defensible method aimed at assessing the disease risk linked with animal importation, animal products,feedstuffs, biological products, pathological matreials, and animal genetic material.
The members of World Trade Organization (WTO) have come up with some rights and obligations, where membrs are supposed to employ sanitary or phytosanitary measures to an extent good enough to protect humans, plants, animals, health, and life in general. The risk analysis are described based on;
- The health risk of plants or animals that arises from diseases or pets.
- Health risk of human or animals that arises from the safety risk of food or feed.
- Human health risk arising from diseases that are carried by plants, animals, or their product.
- Finally, the risk of other forms of damages associated with pests.
In simple terms there is an importation guideline that needs to be followed adequately;
Ensure that stock are personally selected as a farmer or animal owner, and if that is not possible, make sure that the agent being used is a person that can be totally trusted. Do not be too fast to get carried away with existing offers, and make sure you are aware of any existing health issue in the country where you are moving the animal too. Consulting with your vet and arranging a vet on arrival check-up is very crucial.
Having established this points, permit me to quickly explore some of the associated benefits of animal importation and what the disadvantages are;
The option of better profit.
Every person in business is interested in making profit and in order to achieve this goal, companies and even little business owners, put in hard work and efforts constantly to make lots of money.Better Quality.
It is important that the animals we import for personal use or business are quality products, and this is the second thing to focus on. As a business owner, you need to know that, no one wants to spend their money on the purchase of something with a low standard quality, you need to be sure that whatever you are importing is of a high quality standard.
The main disadvantage of importation as a business person is in currency price risk. The change in currncy rate of some countries can happen so suddenly putting a farmer at a high risk of loss.
The risk of importing an infected animal is also very strong that it could run a farmer into huge loss and an animal lover into the loss of a cherished pet.
Importation provides us with the ability of allowing animals to mix into different geographical locations, it is also a way for farmers and business owners to make profit while engaged in the trading business. Safety tips however needs to be judiciouly followed while thi is ongoing, putting into consideration the rules of what each country has put in place.
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