Living Past Cheats, Getting Through Cheats.
I took my phone and figured "let's go see what Hive learners are up to", logged into discord and went to the Hive learners community contest announcement and saw this interesting topic "Cheats" , and am wondering how Hive learners keep bringing up interesting topics to talk about?. Once again i said "if I am not gonna participate in any topic this week am definitely gonna participate in this prompt".
You know what got me hilarious?. What makes me laugh?, its about cheating, nahh …. not cheating in a game, or test or exams i ain't talking about those type of cheating, I'm talking about cheating in a relationship.
Some months back i wrote a post about finding out hubby has been cheating on me, yahh it was quite devastating, i was miserable back then but right now thinking about how miserable i was just makes me laugh, i just find it very funny.
You'll be surprised to know this, me and hubby are still very much together thank you very much for your concern, and i find it so hard to believe myself, like what the hell am i still doing with a man you cheated on me. If i haven't given birth, i would have dumb his ass the moment i found out he was cheating.
On second thought before making any drastic decision I might regret, I think knowing the reason "why" he cheated in the first place would be a great idea to help me move on if maybe I decide to leave or stay.

"Why do people cheat?" "Why the hell do people cheat?"
Hubby and i got a chance to sit down and talk like civilized Nigeria couples, Maybe to see if we can still save whatever is left in the relationship, you know even if am boiling down and furious and i just wanna punch him in the face, I decided to set aside the anger, pain and hurt i feel inside, put up a smile like that of hyena and broke the silence with a simple yet tactic question ):
The most crazy question someone would ask is "How did you do it" ? I never even bothered asking that, just to avoid stabbing someone to death.
Guess what it was? Yap stop Guessing it's what every other person would want to know and ask if they find themselves in that kinda position they'll want to know the reason why? "Why did you do it? Why did you cheat on me?" I asked.
He looked at me feeling sorry and said, no lies, the truth is I allowed it, I wanted it at that time because I thought it was just for the moment, i didn't take her seriously and i knew no matter how i fool myself around her or get carried away outside i knew it'll all come to an end someday and i'll still come back to my family.
Well that's my answer right there. At least he didn't give me the answer most people give when they're caught doing awful things and they say "It's the devil's fault he made me do it" or "it's the work of the devil".
There, you have the answer, the reason Why people cheat, be it in exams, business, test, life etc, its because they decided to, they wanted it, it's their choice and best interest to cheat for whatever purpose they want to accomplish at that very moment, time and period, be it passion, lust, money, or material things etc
Plain and straight, i aint gonna beat around the bush and lie about it. I still feel hurt, it's like waking up every morning being stabbed over and over again. I still can't get the thought of someone I trust and didn't expect it outta my mind, It's painful though.
The most annoying part is living under the same roof, waking up every morning seeing his face. No matter how I pretend all is well, I just can't control the hurt and anger I feel inside each time these thoughts he cheated flashed through my mind, but…….

How did I let go of the hurt? How did I live past it.?
One thing is for sure, the trust i have in the relationship has been powered down to 5% its normal and just common. The most important thing is i gotta love myself first, i gotta love my self esteem and know my worth. If I keep hurting and being angry over his mistakes, then I don't love myself. If I keep thinking about it countless times, then I won't forgive myself. And if i don't forgive myself then i can't forgive him, and if i can't forgive him then i can't find myself and gain peace of mind.
Situations will remain constant if we always grieve over the hurt and pain someone caused us and the end result is usually death. I ain't ready to die for no one. Things will never improve, instead of it getting better it always gets worse.
I find it so hard to let go, but if I love myself more and want my peace of mind I have to just let go and move on. I have to start thinking of ways to build up myself and improve myself. I need to start taking care of myself, I need my peace of mind and happiness and no one is gonna give me that except myself.

Cheers🍷 To Hive Learners Community for bringing up delicious and enticing topic every single week,
Thanks for bumping into me, till we read again. Kudos!
Don't worry, things will change and you'll be successful to move on in life
Time heals all wound, of cause am aware things will change but working on myself now and letting go of the hurt, finding oneself will help speed up the process and change of situations
You're a courageous woman and I admire you for that. I wish you grace to heal completely dear friend
Thank you so much for your kind words, i really appreciate your concern, I know i'll move on and let go its just a matter of time all i need is just time it heals all wounds ☺️☺️
You're right and welcome
Thanks ☺️☺️
This is the reason why I can't just be happy and cool, I don't forget and thus makes forgiving more difficult. I am so envious of folks who could forgive. I can give some leniency to other people, strangers when they step on my foot but I just can't with family, friends, and the person I'm in a relationship with. I just can't.
If teenagers ask on Facebook if marriage is good for she wanna stop studying and just marry, my reply will always be,
"Marriage is painful and lonely. In a year, you may accumulate happiness for a month but for the remaining 11 months, just enduring moments."
I salute you, really but can never do this myself.😔
💛Made my way here through #dreemport. #Dreemerforlife
Lolz🤣🤣. Am not gonna lie am still finding it very difficult to forgive hubby, even if he begged a million times and swear he'll never cheat on me again, i still can't let go and forgive him..
Am like that too i dont and cant forgive family and partners easily if they hurt me . Right now what am tryna do is try and forgive and let go but the moment of years if i cant then i'll have to leave the relationship..
Diffinantely thats my thought on love affairs, happiness in it never last, the rest years its fillied with endurance and tolerance, pain and hurt, anger. i wished i wasnt filling all this negative emotions.. infact right now my only wish is to be single again or be a single mother
And i always tell my single friends or any single people that they are blessed not being married..
The devil suffers a lot when it come to things like this😅.
I absolutely love the decision you made in the end. Loving yourself and deciding to let go for the good of all. A really wise decision. I hope you find the peace that you crave.
And the devil will be like 👀
Looking from below..
Honestly peace of mind thats all i crave for
Thanks for popping up
You're most welcome dear✨
Great topic. I believe as time is going on, you gain more experiences and You will be much more successful, this is life, My friend, it’s really difficult to forgive and forget.
It’s so good that you decided to love and care yourself at the end, I think everyone should do so!
Yahhh its very difficult and right now am not gonna lie i still find it hard to ... Keep trying my best though thoughts just keeps popping up
Glad you were able to fix things with your husband. Hopefully he doesn't do it again.
Made my way here through #dreemerforlife #dreemport
Hmmm well i hope so, 👀👀
Wow, I liked the fact that you were able to let it go and choose to love yourself. Not many, me inclusive would have been able to calm down and think of a better way to let go.
Thanks for sharing.
I just love this part.
Realising that if you don't forgive him, then you are indirectly depriving yourself of your peace of mind.
Letting go of pains is always hard but when you finally do it, you will realise you did just the right 👍 thing.
I love your decision to stay and I pray you get over it.
Yahhhh well you right am not gonna lie, still finding it hard to let go, sometimes the thought of it flashes through my mind the anger comes in every minute, its never easy forgiving and letting i tell you, but am trying my best to move on, its just a bad sickness i need to get out of
I was lying down while reading this post but at some point, I had to sit up straight.
I can relate to that feeling of being hurt. It just feels like one is being stabbed over and over again.
It is painful, the trust is broken, no doubt, and it will take time for it to be repaired.
I like what you said about taking care of yourself to move on.
In my case, a child got involved. A very long story.
I just try to find happiness within myself and free him from my heart.
The longer I stay angry, the greater the pain I feel in my heart.
We are not together at the moment. He claims I am the only one he loves and all that bullshit, but it is a very complex decision.
While taking care of myself, I am also taking my time to get clarity in any area possible before making a decision. If not for our 5-year-old son, I probably would have just locked up and move on.
Hmmm i guess your story is pretty much the same as mine, am not gonna lie letting go and forgiving him is very difficult for me, in my case also a child is involved, which is what am actually considering before making any drastic decision .
Right now the relationship is just hanging by a thread and might cut loose any moment .. i have just one wish and that is to leave the relationship i guess only then will i find my peace and happiness but its just an instinct. Its a bold step you took staying on your own if it were to be my case thats exactly what i need.
It's how women are so considerate in marriage when kids are involved, but I love how at the end of the day self love and building oneself was the goal. Beautiful. #dreemport #dreemerforlife
Thanks ☺️☺️ well thats to tell how senseable women are than men.. just so unfortunately most men aint even conderate at all
So as he cheated does that mean you can do it to get even or now you can do what you want? The one beautiful thing about us all is that we can choose what to do!
Well the idea is never to do it to get even i can never stood low to bring myself low doing something as stupid as that outa revenge.... The idea though is to try as much as possible to let go and forgive him, just to move on with myself by focussing more on me and building up myself thats just the idea