Little Deeds, More Impacts


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Hello Hiveans, welcome to my blog, trust your weekend went well. It's a new week, and I'm sure we all have goals we intend to accomplish this week.

It's another week for the Hivenaija prompt, I couldn't just sit still and not attempt this prompt, as this is something I love doing.

Share with us a time when someone needed your help and you didn't hesitate to help. How did you feel about being able to help, and what was the person's reaction?

Lending a helping hand to someone who needs it is always something that gives me joy especially when it's within my capacity to help. I've learned that we all need each other to survive. A stranger today might be in need, and you're in the position to help, tomorrow it might be your turn, and you don't know who will be in that position to lend a helping hand to you.

There's this friend of mine, we aren't so close, but he could pass as a friend to me, he did reach out to me recently, but he was a bit jittery when he spoke over the phone. Early last year when I got my job, I was on probation for some months and I wasn't paid my entire salary, so I was going through some financial crisis, because I had bills to pay with little or limited cash. But during that period God was always coming through for me, when it seemed as if I was running low, somehow, I'll be favoured and all will be well again.

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So during that period, this said friend asked that I borrow him some money which he was going to return the following week. The amount wasn't so big and I had it available as spare at that moment, so I agreed to lend him and made sure that he was going to keep to his word and return it the next week.

The next week turned to almost 2 months, and I had to ask him for it, but he kept on coming up with different stories before he finally paid. Ordinary, I would have just let it go, but I myself was low on cash and needed all the money I could lay my hands on.

So this particular stunt he pulled made us drift apart in a way, although we were cool, but there was this unspoken drift between us, he knew he had broken trust, so we just maintained our lanes.

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Just yesterday he reached out to me that he recently lost his aunt who was almost like a mum to him, and he had spent so much on bills and even her funeral and presently he was sick. He didn't plainly ask me for money, he first apologized for his behavior in the past, the one I described earlier, he talked about how he knew he hurt me and had broken the trust I had in him, and he was very sorry. He then proceeded to tell me how he was very sick at the moment, that his Health insurance covered some parts of his bills, but there were still some outstanding and he also didn't have enough money to even eat as he had spent so much on his aunt's health.

He asked me to lend him some money, that he was to pay me back by the end of the month, I politely told him I couldn't give him the entire amount, but I could do half of it, and he was like ok that he would send it as soon as he was paid. He then asked that I send my account details to him, I told him not to worry and that he should go and take care of himself and feel better soon.

You needed to see how he kept thanking and praying that God bless me and also apologizing for his past mistake, I told him not to worry but to just take care of himself.

I learned something from this whole scenario, when doing something, always consider the future, and don't mismanage or misuse privileges or opportunities given to you, as you don't know what will happen in the future.

This is my entry for the #Hivenaija weekly contest, I hope you enjoyed reading and also learned something here today.

Thank you for stopping by❤

All images are mine except otherwise stated

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Broken the trust that people had on us isn't good at all, but what I understand is that, for me, I will forgive whoever broken my trust for him, be it a hundred time, because I see no reason to be angry at anybody, even GOD forgives our sins many times, so who am i, not to forgive, I like what you did, for letting go of the mistakes that wanted to come in between you and him, and still help him, you did great.


Trust is one of the strings that keeps friendship going and once it's broken, it becomes a huge problem to still keep the bond as it used to be. I blame the guy for not keeping his promise but on the other hand, he might still be struggling and all he needed to have done was communicate.

It's impossible to know what's happening with him as long as he doesn't speak...


Yeah, he should have spoken up.


He would have just told you that he would pay in few days, probably he hadn't gotten the money then. Rather than making up stories.
So nice of you to forgive him and lend him another money. He must have learnt his lessons and be extremely grateful.



Some people don't even know that their actions today can affect them tomorrow and may even block the way for themselves.

You did well Forgiving him and helping him once more. Perhaps, he has learnt his lesson.


Hmmm, I just wonder if people who act like this don't think about the future.
You're a really good friend for helping him out ❤️.


In spite of everything you stayed there to help this person and give him a second chance. It is very uncomfortable to maintain a friendship when our trust is betrayed.



It is very uncomfortable to maintain a friendship when our trust is betrayed.

Yeah it is, but sometimes you just have to put humanity first.


Never lend what you aren't prepared to lose. It seems your friend was honourable by repaying the first loan, even if he did repay it later than expected. At least you went into the second loan with your eyes wide open.



The second wasn't really a loan, I just gave him to help sort out his health issues. Thanks for stopping by @samsmith1971
