We went to view Engagement rings - Evorden Vancouver, BC
I've been with my partner for many years and living together in Canada since July 2019. We decided to get engaged soon so instead of me picking the wrong ring we had a conversation about it and it allowed my partner to pick the jewellery shop she wanted to go to and do more research on what materials and gems she likes and shapes and sizes of rings etc.
She has decided on a Sapphire that is green, because Sapphire is the stone for her birth month and green is associated with my home country Ireland.
Even though she new in advance what she wanted more or less and had questions lined up it was cool to see and try many of the ring sample options in person to determine what shape to use.
The store will source some stones like the below and set it onto a ring that my partner decided on like the below. It's exciting to view the gem options again next week and pick our choice and move forward.
After that we pay a deposit and get a 3D printed version of the ring after it's designed on Computer Aided Design to ensure it's the right shape and size. And finally the gem will be set onto the ring and ready for collection.
A sample gem sent by email to us
Evorden have explained everything well and not put any pressure on us and seem to be very professional and competent at designing beautiful jewellery and it doesn't surprise me that they have excellent reviews. It will be expensive enough around $5,000 Canadian dollars including tax for all the work that goes into the ring but money well spent on a beautiful piece for my wife to-be to wear for the rest of our hopefully long happy lives together.