The love for my Child made me wear transparent sleeping wear to the hospital

Ordinarily, if you ask me to leave my house when everywhere was still dark in the middle of the night, I wouldn't oblige but something serious took me out that day.

There was an unforgettable experience where I went overboard to protect my dearest daughter. It was during a time when she felt seriously ill, nothing was wrong with my eight-months-old daughter, a child I took to creche healthy and sound before going to work on that fateful day🤔

At exactly 4 pm, I went to pick up my child from the creche and I assumed my responsibility of being the best and loving mother to my first fruit. My husband traveled for a course of study and I was left alone with my child. You know the attitude of a first-time mom na😁 I always gave her a warm bath that evening as our normal routine then watched her smile for mummy but she was looking not playful. A girl who can smile for Africa was not smiling for the first time.


Then, I began to worry. What could have happened to my daughter? Why is she like this? I picked up my phone to call her Dad and explained to him and he said I should watch if she was having a temperature. I did check but the temperature was mild, nothing to worry about. I gave her formula and she took little not as expected.

It was time to sleep but her temperature increased a little and I gave her Paracetamol as the first aid. When it was 2.00 am, the temperature became abnormal, it was too high. I started panicking about what to do, I went to dip a towel inside the water to reduce the hotness, I anointed her body with holy anointing oil, prayed for her, and still I was worried.

Suddenly at 3.00 am, I could not bear to see my child in that condition, I put her on my shoulder, dancing around the house, looking out the window to be sure I could go out. Everywhere was still dark, there was no light around, and my neighbor was not at home. The house was a two-faced apartment, so we were just two in that house. Hmm🤔🤔

As the temperature.was increasing, my vibrant baby was actively reciting the rhymes from her creche. I became confused as to where the energy came from but I won't let this energy distract me before I could finish my thought, she started convulsing 🙆 Ye! I screamed, shouted, and cried but no one could hear me. I was shaking, and shivering at the same time🥲🥲

Immediately, I took to my heels running out with my child like a lost mother in the darkness of the dawn of 3.30 am without fear of the unknown. What a love for a child! I ran to the junction, if I could get any help but none was found, no vehicles, tricycles, or motorbikes passing at that time.🙆

I shouted Jesus help me, you know what I went through in the hands of ** PRE-ECLAMPSIA** I almost lost my life and that of my baby before God showed up. I cried and called on my God to show up again at this time. Save my baby!
Save my baby!!
Jesus, save my baby!!!
As I was at the roadside looking for means to get to the hospital, she was convulsing, her body was stiffing OMG😱 My husband was busy calling from time to time. If he could leave where he was at that moment to be with us, he would not hesitate. He is a loving husband and father too.


Then, I started trekking with my legs praying to God to take over my battle because to me it has turned into a battle. The hospital to my house is far, not trekkable at all. Suddenly, somebody with a motorbike passed, I waved for him to carry us but he was scared seeing the way I dressed 🧐 I had forgotten I was putting on a transparent sleeping suit, I wore nothing underneath because I ran out of my house without even checking how I looked. Did I care? No, all I wanted was for my baby to be okay.
He managed to take us upon seeing my child.

When we got to the hospital, another drama started, we met a lackadaisical doctor on the ground. He didn't attend to us. He said we should wait for another doctor as his duty call was over. Jesus! Are you joking with me right now, Doctor? Do you know what I have gone through? Did you see the girl that should wait for another doctor? Did you check her condition? All these questions came out at once🥲🥲🥲

The doctor left me as if was coming back and he disappeared, I started shouting and crying for help for my daughter not to die. Please, come out and help me out, then a nurse came to carry that baby from my hand, she saw the state she was in and quickly attended to her by giving her first aid injection to stop the convulsion

She said madam, this girl would be admitted, oh that's not a problem, so far she would be okay. She gave me a wrapper to cover my transparent sleeping wear. She asked a question why I came with that type of dress, my response was if nothing had happened, I wouldn't try that on a normal day. This was because my daughter's health was paramount to me. Another Doctor attended to us too. My husband came immediately, he couldn't wait for his program to end. Family matters

As I stayed in the hospital for three days, I saw a lot of emergencies and my heart wept in gratitude to God who revived my daughter.

In the end, the great lengths I went to protect my adorable child taught me that love knows no bounds. It taught me that love for a child is endless and unconditional.
My baby girl is 9years to witness more beautiful years ahead 🙏

My entry to the hive learner's writing contest on the topic; To Protect A loved one.

Thank you for reading, you are appreciated 👍👍



I will always say that the love of a parent is the strongest love aside the love of God. You are a great mom and I am sure your child is proud to have you as a mom.


Aside from the love of God, nothing is second to the love of a parent.

Thank you for stopping by @beeeee
