I shouldn't have been blamed for what I didn't do.

Still very hurt as the days go by. I can never forget how my effort was tarnished in front of everyone. That day seems like yesterday πŸ₯²

Life is a teacher, the more you live the more you learn

I have worked with many bosses and many people in my working experience but this particular boss is different among all like eight- ten bosses.
If you tell your boss two things be expecting to hear ten things that won't favor you at all.

In 2015, I worked with this boss of mine and she was just as sweet as anything when she was the Vice Principal. She was the favorite of teachers then but immediately she stepped up to become the principal, all about her attitude changedπŸ€” she will always act as if she cares in your presence while she stabs you in the back.

I got closer to her because we had worked together before and that was the ever mistake I made. I should have maintained the relationship of a boss to a subordinate but I didn't because I trusted her judgement.

There are offices (voluntary service, no additional payment)called EMIS(EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM) and EDUPACK(EDUCATIONAL PACKAGE for Student Database and Electronic Results). I was in charge of these posts plus subject teaching and a class teacher. I didn't feel bad for the load mounted upon me but the teachers around me made it worse.

Data requests can be asked at any time regardless of how busy you might be and you must answer at a glance. So, I took it upon myself to always put my work first so that our school would not be found wanting. Same way as the Edupack, students' results are ready before they ask for them.

Unfortunately, something that was not fair happened between my boss and me and I felt betrayed, hurt, and pained. I wept like a baby, if I opened my mouth to talk, tears would start rolling from nowhere, I couldn't control that teardrop that day, you know why? I have suffered in getting the student's results ready before they asked for them but the subject teachers were not cooperating. Some of them didn't mark and record on time and this affected the processing.


This slowed the processing of the results because after marking, and recording, then I will input the scores into the computer system, and upload the scores before the final stage of printing. After so many reports I gave my Vice principal on Academics and my principal, yet, they didn't do anything to the affected teachers. They told many lies to the parents who had come for their child's results. HmmπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

I was blamed, abused, insulted, spat on for the wrongs I didn't do. In the presence of the students and their parents who came for the results, I was called to face the parents and explain why I failed to finish the results. I shouted why? How? I was blamed totally for what I didn't do.
This was not just fair πŸ₯² how can I take the blame of others when I'm not Jesus Christ? I received depressing insults from my boss that day.

Ever since that day, I vowed never to input scores for any teacher again. Everybody should be responsible for his/her duties. No boss has the right to blame someone else for any negligence committed by others.

I got back home with swollen and red eyes. My husband comforted me and also said I should learn how to say NO to some tasks like inputting scores, it is every teacher's responsibility not just one person's. Did I tell you, how many students? They are two thousand, four hundred and ten students(2,410) offering sixteen (16)subjects each.

I felt bad throughout that session to the extent of not wanting to go to work but I moved past it to the glory of GodπŸ™

She later apologized but it was too late because she didn't apologize in the presence of everyone but at a corner which was not fair.

The incident was not just fair!
The blame was not worth it!
The treatment was not right!
The humiliation was too much!

My participation in hivelearners' community contest on the topic; was unfair

Thank you for reading as I await your positive response.

Yours @flourishandflora πŸ’•


The thing there is a thin line everyone should have with their bosses no matter how close you were with them before they attain a certain level of status.

If you don't draw that line, there's every possibility that it will be abused and you can't do anything about it because they are higher up than you at the moment.

You really should have learned to say no. I'm sorry for what you went through but it's good that you decided to let everyone handle their own burdens.


I was very disappointed to see her that way. I never believed she could change suddenly πŸ€” she abused the privilege of calling her mom.
The line has been drawn ever since that day.
I have moved past that hurt and saying No to certain things is my slang now.

Thanks for your beautiful comment.


You shouldn't have kept quiet when they kept blaming you. I like that you stood up for yourself and decided every teacher should input their students results by themselves. Thank God for your husband too, you married a good man.


You know, you cannot be talking while your boss is talking and her attitude caught me unaware because I was so surprised to see her that way.

Thanks dear


You are right. Sorry about everything, ma'am


You need to stand yourself if you didn't do anything or bad, only you knows what the truth is. Lastly, I was agree with @iskawrites learned to say NO to others. Don't blame yourself.😊😊


She later apologized but it was too late because she didn't apologize in the presence of everyone but at a corner which was not fair

This is always the part they come to make right which is very unnecessary unless they do it Publicly.
It's annoying eeeh!


So sorry you had to go through that, it is good you learned how to say no moving forward, from that incident, people will abuse our privilege when we do not draw for them some boundaries.


I learned to draw my lines from that experience. It was such a painful but I have moved..

Thanks dear @funshee
