New Year's Day, Yearly Author, Luke Littler, Kraken Suprise, Brass, Fire, Trailer, Darts, STEAK - Monday
Every single day during 2023 I posted at least once, sometimes 3 or 4 times but most always twice per day. That makes well over 700 posts for the year. More than half of those are REAL content, real writing about real things happening in my life and not just my quick recap Actifit post. Minimum of 500 words per day makes over 200k words written in the year. That much content put out is feeling really good to me given I know others learn from my doings.
What the hell. Luke is likely to win the world's. It's going to be him and Luke Humphries most likely in the final and I am blown away. This kid is a natural and is going to take the darts world's reins by force. Welcome to the new face of darts.
This has not been an easy weekend to say the least so I did not have any desire to do anything during the day. I needed the break, the down time. I did go out and clean up all the bras that I had littered around my garden. It was under rocks, under grass, in the snow, in the open, and I'm sure there are some I missed that I will find later. It's kind of part of the fun. I grew up scrounging brass at the ranges so my eye is still trained to it and I can easily roam an area and gather all the spent casings.
I miss shooting and this is now where that changes to enjoying. The boys will be learning to handle weapons and to begin shooting. They need this knowledge and capability which I have been abjectly negligent in providing to them so far. The range is getting setup this week and we will begin the process of teaching them the wonderful sport of shooting.
The Kraken played the outdoor game and HOLY HELL THEY WON!!!! Not only won but got the first ever shutout in the outdoor classic history. Wow, just wow. There might be something there this year, but it's Seattle so I'm not holding a ton of hope, just smidgen.
It was a process with the fire but it got going, it's just the debris/brush was WAY too wet to burn so took forever.
I had to get the trailer hooked up for my grain run I am back from.
I've been dialing in my throw and have gotten a lot better groupings. Not super consistent but they are trending better for sure. I have realized that it is truly genetic, my love of darts. We didn't have a consistent playing board growing up so my Dad's throwing was before I was born when he designed water heaters, which I bet there are things still on them that he designed... I don't know, he should read this and correct me. But the point is that darts were not a big thing when I was growing up but it is a coupled interest that we share and that the boys share as well.
I'm super happy to have bought him a board and darts to rekindle this passion that he, I, and the boys can share. I don't think @stryeyz is as jazzed about it as we are but that is fine, she still enjoys it.
T-BONE STEAK!!! Best first meal EVER. Coupled with the steamed broccoli and baked potatoes, YUM!!!!!!
She requires a bloody and moo'ing steak so I like to flambe them to an extent, kind of like broiling. I have to get the core to temp and then a firing on the outside. I'm sorry but if you need a thermometer to tell the doneness of your steak you're not paying attention to it or need a lot more practice.
We got out to soak at a bit later time and weren't in an hour before heading in.
I've been to town for grain this morning already and will empty the barrels after I get the boys to school. The PDC semi-finals is today and the Lukes will likely end up in the final tomorrow. It was 38F in town this morning at 5am and felt rather warm as I loaded the grain, though it is possible we will get snow this weekend but it will remain warmer. I have to clean in the coop and break down boxes, pick the boys up from school, devise something for dinner, and work on the inner plastic in the greenhouse.

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@flemingfarm Nice job on the posting consistency! I cannot always catch them all but I try.
You may already know this but there is a heck of a lot of value in being able to shoot both right and left handed. Just something that I picked up on while growing up with firearms and try to impart to folks. Also learning to shoot moving targets (while moving) is a lost art in my opinion.
We used to go squirrel hunting on a river (we called it a creek but it was a river) and me and my brother would stand on the bow of the moving boat (each with a 410 shotgun) and bag squirrels all day long.
We both got extremely good at gauging the spread (of the bird shot) and could consistently put 1-2 pellets of it in a squirrel's head... thus not damaging the edible parts.
I think the most we got in one day was ninety of them. In all our years of doing it we only had one squirrel that we injured and got away. It still frigging haunts me that we were not able to dispatch it after wounding it!
The hunting was fun and all but the real joy came later after skinning, cleaning, cooking and eating them!
I grew up shooting black powder rifles from the time I was about 6 or so for a number of years. My grandparents made buckskin clothing and would go to rendezvous around California in the 80s/90s. I still have my skunk skin hat they made me. Won awards for my skins and hat too. I remember numerous times as a kid stopping along the highway and scooping up some road kill to take to them to skin and process for hats.
Wow you were a lucky soul getting to learn black powder first! I think that I was five or six when I got my first BB gun and eight or nine when I got a 'real' gun.
No clue what year this was but I was about 6 or 7.

Epic! I was not very talented with furs and skins but whoa I sure tried!
EDIT: LOL I just noticed that snub-nose black powder pistol! I bet that had quite the 'whomp' to it!
I think it is a .30 derringer and it was a little cannon. Impossible to aim!
Yup! Obviously meant for close quarter situations. Probably for dealing with the dangers of moose/bear/wolf/big cat and the more problematic two-legged critters!
Happy New year to you and a big congratulations to you on the author of the year badge, it takes loads of consistency to achieve that and you were excellent having a minimum of 500 words in each throughout.
I'm not really familiar with dart but seems Luke Humphries is a pro in the game.
Players have to be top level to get to the finals of the world championships and Luke has been on a winning streak so has a real good chance of winning, but he has to deal with a 16 year old phenom as long as they both win today.
Oh I see, he's been been impressive throughout the tournament and I wish him all the best in the next game.
@flemingfarm! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @vickoly. (2/5)
How do you manage your time?
I mean shuffling between watching games and farming?
Happy New Year.
I hope everything you do goes well.
Have a healthy day.
Happy new year. This year has started and we all pray here that the coming year will be good for all of us and what we could not achieve within 2023, we will definitely achieve this time by working harder.