Labs, Parts, PDC, The Blow, Excavating Strawberry Plants, Aim, BFD, NHL - Thursday

Yesterday morning after getting the boys to school I headed into town. My first stop was the doctor office to get blood drawn for labs to be run, just checking levels.


Then I fought my way around the oodles of road construction to head back north where I stopped at the store for the part for the gas line. I also checked prices on bird feed which I will go pickup today.


After getting gas in my truck I got home and soon had the valve connected to the quick disconnect. It will not take me long to get it installed, once I have the space cleared.


I was home in time to catch the last day of the PDC premier league which Smith won to book end the season by winning the first and last nights and made it to the finals next week.


Did a bunch of research for flying sites mid day while the winds were seriously blowing. We had some really strong gusts come through which lifted the plastic on the upper garden and I will have to go reset it this morning while the wind is still calm.


The big task for the day was to excavate the few remaining strawberry plants from the jungle of overgrowth. The shitty grass has taken over so I had to dig through the mess to find the little strawberry plants trying to get light.


Every one I found got dug up, grass removed from the roots, then buried in the soil in the pot. I watered it good and set it by the frost free. I have to weedeat the whole area now, clear as much of the shit from the surface as possible, then take the tiller through and cut all the grass and roots up. I'll have to rake up the grass as much as possible then I think I will lay down black plastic over the section for the year. The strawberries will need to get potted for now until I can figure out a place to put them. I'm verging on a raised bed to try and keep the grasses at bay...


Seriously... they couldn't have been a little to the left... or right.


Breakfast for dinner again with steak, potatoes, and eggs. Our own potatoes and eggs from our birds.


Playoff hockey is the best of the year. The players are hitting so much harder and laying it all on the ice. NYR advanced beating the Canes 5-3. Then the Nucks snuck past the Oilers to go up 3-2 in the series. I'm of the mind it will be the Nucks and NYR in the final.


Got out to soak at sundown and got a nice sunset. Was back inside to see the last of the Nucks game.


Today I will have to get bird and dog food in the morning, get boys to and from school, deal with the upper garden plastic, weedeat, actually do the reseeding of a few rows, the sheep need the last bale rolled in which means I will have to get more next month, then I will get a fire going this afternoon to grill for dinner.

ᛚᚨᚹ : 17-5-2024

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I wonder how many things you’re good at aside from farm work because it is obvious that you can do so many things by yourself


I try to do most everything myself before going to others. It's just who I am really, I prefer to know how to do something than just have it done for me.


All kinds of tools are necessary to get the job done.
