Greenhouse Temps, Snow Prep, New Hay Bale, Practice, Man Utd, Focus, Meeting - Monday
It was 19F when I woke up yesterday morning and when I finally went to check the temp in the greenhouse I was pleasantly surprised to find that the temp never got below freezing inside. The oil heater had done its job well enough for the short time.
It helps the heater is 195F and radiating the heat. I looked at the soil beneath and it had not begun to dry out.
From first light it was trying to snow. Little tiny flakes at first for much of the morning, which gave me a bit of drive to get things done before it really hit. I moved the pair of tanks from the inner yard to along the fence line so they are more out of the way. At some point I will use them for something but as of now they will hangout until I devise that use.
The sheep and alpaca had worked down the bale to about the last bits. Before noon I went and pulled the cage away to allow them in to eat at the bits that they were unable to reach before.
I uncovered the bale and folded the tarp but left them to dig around the bale remnants.
It was near 1pm while the Man Utd match was on that the snow switched to the beginning of the brunt of the storm.
While Man Utd struggled against what should have been a real easy team I threw for some time. In the morning I got some time in and was able to dial in on a nice 140. This time I warmed up and got this nice grouping then managed a few more ton+. My grip is refining and getting more consistent so just need more practice.
It was kinda of a miracle they won the match. They were up 1-0 when I went to go pickup the boys and when I parked at he school and opened the site on my phone I saw they had just gotten a penalty and were up 2-0. Wiggan was 30 places below them in the standing for the FA cup but they gave Utd a lot of trouble, FAR FAR more than they should have for the level of team Utd is supposed to be.
After the boys and I got home the snow was falling harder and the sheep had dug through the bale remnants enough that I could roll the new one in. Thankfully I have them close to the pen now so it wasn't near as hard as it used to be. Though the ice and snow made footing rather difficult I managed to get the 700 pound bale rolled into place. The cage got put back around and tied tight.
I laid out the rubber sheets and the thick plastic piece then nailed them down with landscaping nails. This holds them down to the top of the bale and sheets the rain and snow off to keep the bale better for longer.
I went around the farm and covered everything I could to keep the snow out of or off of them. The fire pit needed a cover so I am not having to dig it out for the weekend, especially when it is -10F and a solid block of ice.
I had my flying club meeting to go to so the boys made dinner as J had asked about doing so over the weekend. He worked on the mac and cheese and R busied himself on his puzzles. He was VERY focused on them and I was kinda proud of him for using the big board instead of the middle of the floor.
After eating I headed into town for our club meeting. The entire region is in a winter storm warning and the snow was falling pretty good so we ended up with only 5 of us. It was the core essentially. I have volunteered to be the VP of the club as I am always at the meetings and involved, and since I am getting out of my other board position with the co-op... why not? It was a 2 hour "meeting" more gab session but still fun.
My drive home was a blast as the roads were SLICK! and people were crawling in the right lane which meant I could haul ass in 4 wheel drive in the left lane. It's a straight drive home for half the miles and I did my best to blast the snow out of the lane as I went. I only managed about a half hour soak as it was late and snowing heavier.
I woke at 4am this morning to hear the rain. I got up and looked at the deck to see 3 inches of snow now getting rained on. The tow plow went by on the highway followed by 2 normal plows, which is a step up from normal. School is on 2 hour late start today and the super wet and heavy snow is going to be a big pain in the ass for the region.
I'm going to have to decide what to do with the snow, it may be WAY to wet and heavy for the snowblower... I will know after it is light. The storm front has passed now and we are looking at high winds all day and warmer temps. The greenhouse looks good in the predawn light since the rain washed the snow off of it and it is about 34F outside as of now.

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That is awesome that all your efforts with the plastic were worthwhile! How was the condensation in there? It might not be a bad idea to remove (or cover) the heater before it gets soaked by the dripping condensation if it is excessive.
The inner plastic is pretty dry, all the condensation is on the outer main plastic so is sheeting off the inner. I'm going to go out and check it in a bit to make sure but the double layer seems to be working well enough for now.
Oh yeah! Duh... on my part! It would tend to collect there instead of on the inside. I guess that once the temperature difference equalized (like if the heater was off) it would begin forming on the inside as well.
In winter all things have to be taken care of similarly.
I’m glad Man United won the match but it would have been better if they can win bigger teams like Liverpool and all like this
They play the Spurs next, who are in better form than Utd so it will likely be another shit show of a match. At this point they need all the help they can get.
The match should have been an easy ride for Man U had it not been their lack of precision in front of goal. They missed like a zillion chances.
Glad to know your day went well. Wishing you all the best.
If they could just get Martinez and Casemiro back they would stand a chance with their defense at least. Casemiro can provide amazing passes to the box and to push the forwards on goal way better than Erickson in my opinion.
I totally agree. I think they should also invest good money getting valuable players during the January transfer window, including letting some dead-weight players leave the club, like Martial and others.
Martial is AWFUL and seriously needs to go.
I think also Onana, even though he's new to the club. He singlehandedly cost us UCL qualification this season, I wonder why ETH dumped De gea.
It was contract issues, and Onana is nowhere near his level. There are times I would love to see Bruno go too, he is too hot headed.
Up Manchester United 🤗