Furnace Broke and Troubleshooting, Greenhouse Temps, Chiro, Fireplace, Practice, Narcan - Wednesday


Yesterday morning started out pretty shitty when the central heat would not come on. It tried but then shut off and wouldn't start up. The house was sitting at 62F and at 6am I was in the attic trying to troubleshoot the problem. First I scrubbed the flame sensor with steel wool and did the same to the igniter but no change. In my dinking around I spun the flue exhaust blower then touched the black wire and everything kicked on and the furnace started. BUT once I let my finger off the wire it shut off.

In the end it is the blower motor that has fried itself. The wire broke inside on the winding from the vibration over the years most likely. I removed the fan and was able to find a replacement on Amazon. I looked all over the country and the shipping time was the same so I'm hoping it gets here Saturday but likely will be Monday.


After taking the boys to school I stopped in and checked the temp in the greenhouse which was 52F at 7:30am while it was 38F outside.


The chiro was awesome as I got the neck decompression which helped a good bit. The hard part for me is to be gentle on myself after the adjustments.


Once back home I set about clearing off the fireplace and getting it lit to warm the house up as it had gotten down to 60F. By mid day I had the house nice and toasty warm which did well overnight as the house is 66F now.


After picking the boys up from school I grabbed my thermometer and went to check the soil temp in the greenhouse which was a nice 55F while the air temp was 60F. My S9 is doing a nice job of keeping it warm.


In my troubleshooting in the morning I found that I had not cleaned the filter in a while so I took it out and used the air compressor to blast the dust, grime, and cat hair from it. This will help the furnace work a lot better once I get the new fan installed.


R had wrestling practice in the evening which I took him to and @stryeyz picked him up from.


The mat is just too big so they have to roll it up on the end but the kid shave been beating it up on the underside so they have figure out a cover for it to keep them from destroying the brand new mats.


I ordered some Narcan to have in my med kit now that it is available to the public. I am in the city picking up spent brewing grain across the street from a heroin den and see the zombies regularly. There have been od's there when I am not around, but I want to be prepared just in case. Fent is a way to common thing now and WAY too potent. THIS LINK is for people in Washington state and is FREE and you can get either nasal or injectable. You could save a life by having the right tool with you at the right time. THIS LINK is for those outside Washington State.


Got a bit under an hour soak in before I had to get out.


Today I have another chiro appointment which will be decompression on my back again. PDC Premier league night 2 is on mid day, I'll have the fire going lightly all day to keep the house warm which is pretty easy when it is near 40F outside right now before dawn, It's trying to rain a bit but doesn't look to be much over the day, boys to and from school, wash my clothes, and come up with something for dinner this evening.

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Your day was quite busy though
How is R doing with his wrestling classes?
Well, right?


He is Doing really good so far. He is small but strong so hopefully he will have a edge on his competition.


I see a lot of people who get irrationally furious about using drugs like narcan to save lives. People who otherwise seem like caring, compassionate folks suddenly act like drug addicts deserve death. No thought is given to why people choose drugs, or how messed up prohibition has made things for people who just want an escape. I'll be looking into adding it to my kit as well. In first aid training for the library, it has been discussed as something we should consider as a public facility, too.


It really is amazing the reactions of many people. I've wanted to have Narcan for years just to have in my med kits, but even more so since I've been downtown around the junkies so often. There are only a handful of drugs that counteract narcotics and it is pretty important for the public to have access to them just as easily as they have access to the narcotics. The backwards nature of our medicine establishment... For the library I'd think you'll want to contact your regional health director most likely.


Good on you for wanting to stock the Narcan. The fentanyl problem in this country is beyond epidemic proportions. It has also made other recreational drugs more dangerous given that it is being used as an additive to them. A while back I even read an article about how it was being sprayed on cannabis supplies.

The insanity of it all is staggering and yeah folks lack of compassion is astounding.


I just saw this today and of course Fent is mixed in. I was a "more intense and longer" maxi but this shit has gotten out of hand.


"Usually it’s a combination of ketamine, ecstasy and amphetamines in varying combinations. But it can also have mixtures of opioids, fentanyl, heroine even, and also, sometimes caffeine," said Dr. Daniel Nelson with Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.


Yeah stuff like that and that stuff people call 'tranq' is frigging nuts!


Hey, so glad to read this. I do hope the replacement comes in time. Also, your daily routine seems like a lot but then I guess, you've gotten used to it?
