PEPTEvent #TooFuckeh #5 Combatting the experts

Just got done watching the latest episode of The Crypto Maniacs Podcast

This one was the best yet. I have seen a few and each time I get to know more about influencers on our Hive community.

In this podcast, I wondered if @jongolson was thinking that I am Voldemort

The name's Taboo! I told you, @taskmaster4450 ..." If a character said Voldemort, then Voldemort and his followers would be able to find whoever said the name and hurt them.

Rob @threesteps it was good to see you again and best of luck with Click Track Profit

While I am looking at these mugshots I am wondering if I am looking at a rose between two thorns or a couple of good Christian looking after a sinner. #lol

You guys are entertaining and believe it, or not, I am able to extract some goodness from your Shoot-The-Shit sessions. It is a challenge cause there are a lot of critic out there that are quick to tell you what you need to do, or suggest your not very smart cause your doing something that doesn't make any sense. Chuckle, chuckle

Eight days ago, I posted

Here, I will provide the infographics that got Jongo's panties in a knot.


What do you see? OMG #PEPT is valued over $2.8 Trillion dollars. Well, that's the thing with digital assets, it can be whatever you want it to be. It's not fiat currency. Just like holding $150k+ in Hive. It is worth the price of a dildo until you put the real thing in your hand.

People are so predictable. Me2. Some more so than others. In all my years as a troubleshooter, I consistently saw the root cause of most problems to be within the people circle of influence. Not so much the process or technology circle. Why I introduce the People, Process and Technology Framework to Hivers as soon as possible. There is a lot more to learn before you earn and a structured approach is imperative. How do you formalize an objective analysis?


So go ahead and laugh or take a shot at me without mentioning my name to your audience guys. !lol Maybe some will see this blog and put 2 and 2 together. Good thing I have thick skin, full of love and understand the imperfections in people. Including those that have religion. I was brought up Roman Catholic and my mother always told me that honesty is the best policy. Why I often say, evil is rooted in dishonesty. I mean, one can be down the dumps with little cash flow but you should still be honest. It is a core value. If you don't have it, don't expect to fully understand someone that has it.

Some may think that a #TooFuckeh problem solving token is bullshit. Well, I am going to demonstrate how to turn bullshit into fiat currency. Unlike some who have a history of failed projects, I don't. Unlike some who shutdown their website and create losses for members, I have not. Sure, I have some outstanding commission to payout but that is a small liability and it gets paid when members request payments. Some members lost the use of Paypal so moving to digital currency is a way to work together and resolve these types of issues.

I came into this world with nothing and I plan on leaving with nothing. That means I have some wealth to transition and I see Hive as part of the process. So as our problem solving token idea unfolds, I hope to see some Hivers take on some of the many roles I play and I hope they collaborate on many micro-projects. Training will be provided. Onboarding on Hive will be part of a process improvement initiative that will include earning some problem solving tokens.

Ah, there so much more I could share but I need to complete another task. Word of wisdom. If you live in a glass house, don't throw rocks.

I do welcome all feedback. Jon, no hard feelings, I honor our agreement that you no longer owe me any money from your failed sites. I always give people 2 chances. You used both already. lol

If you comment on this blog you will be sent 10,000 TooFuckeh tokens. Some of you may know that most #PEPTEvent require that you hold one(1) #PEPTide or more to receive tokens from our PEPT Banker account. Today, you do not need to hold any PEPTide to receive 10,000 TooFuckeh tokens, If you want more, you can pick some up from the open market.

#Luv and positive energy to all.


I understand that you believe in the opportunity to convert nonsense into fiat currency through a problem solving token. It's great that you haven't had any failed projects and haven't shut down your website, showing consistency and reliability. Moving to digital currency may be a solution for those members who lost the use of Paypal.
Good luck in your venture!



of course none of his sites close down. They justy became inactive until he comes up with a nother bad idea. I've been a member since the start of epay. I even did one of his investments that I paid $50 in capital to earn $5 in so m any months, and then to withdraw it was like pulling teeth. My first and ;ast misytakle wiht this loser. I gave him the benefit of the doubt back then, but all he did was trash me if i had any questions for him, comments, its all about the fuck yous to him.


There's a saying,"here's a little there's a little" and "take the meat and leave the bones".


Thanks for the mention! I too enjoyed the show. I would recommend something though. Your toof**keh token won't get as much traction with that name. Some frontends block vulgarity, and your posts with that tag won't be seen on some Hive frontends. You may want to consider a better name for that tag\token. Just my $0.02. :) -Rob


Thank you for your 2 cents Rob @threesteps I value it accordingly.

Your toof**keh token won't get as much traction with that name

That is certainly an opinion. However, opinions are worth almost 2 cents to me. If you support an opinion with some facts then the value goes up expomntentily. Also, I don't have any problem accepting pennies so do send some more. You see, when you suffer hardship and learn to survive in a very cruel world, the pain can be converted into great gains. When you have nothing, you realize the full potential of your brain. Imperfect as it may be, with good guidance, lots of love and a strong willingness to learn something new, you become well equipped with what it takes to combat hate and fear. ie Love and education.

Some frontends block vulgarity, and your posts with that tag won't be seen on some Hive frontends.

#TooFucheh is only vulgar to the eyes that focus on 4 letters with no consideration of the other letters that embank them. Let alone, understanding what is the full meaning behind the letters. oh, you just reminded me of a post in my feed yesterday....

š‘­š’–š’„š’Œ š’šš’š’– Money by @anomadsoul posted in C/LeoFinance

With do respect, my view, or shall I say, the views I may receive, goes beyond the frontend of anything. One should not overlook the power of the backend. It is called a backend for good reasons. Let me demonstrate with a quick search on Google.


If you scroll down you can see many opportunity for someone to click a link that brings them to Hive, including a few frontends that doesn't appear to block the faux pas you suggest. Once again, I am reminded of a popular local Acadian saying.. "Worry pas ta brain" The history of Acadian is filled with hardship. To this day, communities still suffer because they are a minority in a world driven by people who believe their judgment is best for others.

You may want to consider a better name for that tag\token.

I don't do anything without much consideration. I am not here to please everyone nor here to past judgement on anyone. It matters not to me what anyone believes. Everyone has their own journey and my interest is to collaborate with people ready to share their journeys with complete honesty. Doing so, brings one closer to understanding the power of synergy and entropy so one can develop an ability to manifest just about anything. Regardless of some judgement of a frontend. Yes, I can pass judgement. For example, in my experience here on Hive, exploring the different kind of frontends, I do not care for InLeo, Threads and most generic ones like CTPTalk. That does not mean I am passing judgement on the people behind the frontends. It just means that PeakD, for example, is more intuitive and less counter productive for me.

After many hours of exploring and testing on Hive, including getting to know who is who and what is driving traffic, I realized these frontend tribal collectives could not meet the needs of my journey. Most do serve their collective well, some are obviously neglected and in some way, maybe they add 2 cents of value to Hive blockchain.

My solution was to create a unique community where being different is encouraged. Like using a #TooFuckeh tag which just came to life. It's the Big Bang of the new traffic exchanging world. Here we are using the building blocks of the new internet and the greatest bottleneck are people stuck in an old way of thinking.

Project ePayTraffic (#PEPT) community is very small today. It does not serve many people, yet. But it is profitable. Like you mentioned in the podcast, I believe it was you, where I connected with the importance of having a few paying clients as oppose to a shitload of traffic that does not pay. Correction, it pays those that control the backend of internet traffic.

The #TooFuckeh tag and token is the foundation to solving problems. Not just here on Hive. However, I do see the Hive protocol as potentially being a central point of entry to the new online world. In the New Online World, you have a chance of being freed from monopolies and dictatorships. I say a chance because there are many existing powerful influencers and witnesses that can make it next to impossible for newcomers to succeed. My spider sense tells me there are flaws in the governance process. It does not serve everyone equally. A lot of biasing. The human circle of influencing that shadows the fundamental and technical circles that needs to be equally represented within this new ecosystem that is evolving rapidly. I would hate to see it follow the same destructive force that exist today because of excessive capitalization and settler colonialism we see today.

Once again, I wish you the best with Click Track Profit. I believe you have some problem solving to do as well. That's my 2 cents. !Luv


Bro this guy is an idiot. Don't waste your time with this idiot. If you look in the canadian dictionary there is his picture under idiot, and in french too. Notice how nobody opinion good or bad doesn't matter to idiot, but his own. But give him a good opinion on a bad idea and he will take it. I fit shows any signs of negativity he dissmisses it right away. So let him have his own failure like preety much everything he is doing with TE, and now he want to fail at PTC too. LOL jack its my opinion and you don't take anyone opinion so sit on yours.


Thank you for your participation.
Tokens transferred.


Oh how nice that you de3cided to kiss ass now when you realized you need their help with your garbage. I remember the day you left CTPX discord, at first you blamed us all in that chat and then realized your mistake and dedecided to say that its more of me than all of them that got you to leave CTPX discord, and then returned like a dog with its tail in between its legs. And now here you are kissing ass, while shitting on ppl under your breathe. Now do you see why I think your a piece of fake canadian garbage. Like I keep telling you, your nothing b ut a stupid simp whgo runs over ppl and still expect them to help you. If I was CTPX i'd show you to the door and give you a boot in the ass to kick you out my door. So ya you're #toofuckeh and I personally don't #givetoofucks. And so you can stop repeating your stupid self yes I do have a hatred for you. Your lucky im not PM of Canada. You'd be jailed and rotting for being Canadian coward, ab]nd a simp to your friends and family. #gofuckyourselfsimpboy


yes I do have a hatred for you.

Ah that is a good start. That was the only important words you said. The rest is drama that you can't seem to move from. Perhaps in time you will look back at your childish behaviour. Some readers may wonder why I waisted my time replying to your disrespectful behavior.

Your hatred reminds me of my first 4 years in English school. From grades 4 to 7 I had to fight to get a seat on the school bus and I had to fight to get out of my seat. If that was not traumatic enough, I had to get the strap from the teacher because I was unable to speak English. The teacher was filled with hatred as well. I noticed you mentioned French in one of your other postings here today. What is that about? You see back then, in the mid 60s, central New Brunswick communities had a hard time accepting a French Catholic in the neighborhood. That is because the previous generations had burnt the Acadians out of their villages and some British governor, filled with hate wanted to erase the exitance of Acadians in New Brunswick. Not as bad today. For you to call me a coward is laughable. But then you don't know me nor care to know me, and now your trying to gain support and say it is me who is kissing ass. Like wake the FUCK Up! Nelson, @cptsilva and try speaking the truth for a change. Some people need a lot of time to learn the importance of being honest. If your honest, you don't need to make up shit like your spewing on my blog. In any case, if it gives you some satisfactions, whatever. Why the tag #TooFuckeh fits you perfectly. That doesn't mean there isn't any hope for you to change in a positive way. Best I can do is to try and influence change in a positive way. My mission here to redefine the traffic exchange world is much bigger then your antics.

Sending you !luv and positive energy.


Exactly what I said. Not my problem you want to hide just like a coward. And by me calling you a coward and looking for other to follow me? Ya your heads still up your ass. You know what you did when you left and then decided to come back. I really don't care what you say about me because the dirt under my shoes have more pull than you anyday. I actually feel bad for you and your mental mind illness. You got problems with your head. You need help because you may think you're enlightened you are not unless your smoking weed and you lighting it up. 2 different words stoner. Go ahead deny all you want, I will still sleep at night like a little portuguese canadian baby. I came here with no education and no english, and alone, and immigration dropped me off in Rexdale, Ontario to fend for myself. ANd I can honestly say it was a great experience for me to learn the canadian version of streets smarts. Go bull your shit elsewhere, and cowards hide their bull shit. #luv no, more like a #LOLZ and a #fuckyou


I came into this world with nothing and I plan on leaving with nothing.

Great sentiment, FJ. This aligns very much with my views and values.

Good to see you getting some engagement. I'm personally quite fond of your token name. And if people are going to be offended by #toofuckeh, they are going to hate the Yorkshire town of Scunthorpe (called Shorpe since I left) šŸ˜‚


yeah, ain't that the truth of a string of letters that somehow get auto filtered by build-in biasing by human brains, plus search engines and God knows what will happen when AI takes over the net. !lol
