Fiery plays Mass Effect 2 part 3: I am Omega.

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In this part we chated with our new crewmates. We found out that Miranda is genetically modified and that we have assistant named Kelly Chambers. We also picked a few side quests: Doctor Chakwas wants a bottle of Brendy, Our chef needs some igredenties for better meals and enginears want some couplings installed. Sure we can do that, no problem.

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After that we flew to criminal's haven- Omega. There we need to find and recruit three new crewmates. A doctor, a veteran and a mercenary. After landing we were immediately greeted by a batarian who told us to go and meet local crime boss Aria. Right after that we run into one of the people we were looking for. Zaeed who had just captured a criminal. Zaeed agreed to join our team provided that we help him kill a leader of a gang. After that we met with some vorcha- extremely ugly aliens. They said that they did not kill anyone today. We also convinced a merchant Harrot to buy out another merchant's shop. Along the way to meet Aria we encountered a few more batarians who attempted to threaten us but got scared as soon as we drew our guns. We went to see Aria and she told the single rule of Omega: Don't fuck with Aria. After that we asked her about two people who are of interest to us: doctor Mordin Solus and Archangel. It seems that getting them to join our team will be not an easy task because both of them have their own problems. It seems that getting them to join our team will be not an easy task because both of them have their own problems. Doctor Mordin is trying to cure some disease and Archangel is fighting agaisnt three biggest gangs on his own.
