Two Historical Brett Styled Beers for #BeerSaturday: Soul Barrel's East India Brett and Old London Porter



A couple of weeks ago, I started my countdown to 100 beers reviewed for #BeerSaturday. This is the penultimate post before I turn to the last three beers that will push me to 100 beers. And believe me, beer 100 will be interesting! Something that I have never heard of...

But that is only for next week.

This week, however, I had two more heavy beers. Or rather, I had one, and the other beer I had last year in the beginning of the year. This has a small story linked to it. Let me tell you that story.

I visited my fiance last year (when she was still just my girlfriend). We saw at a local pub the interesting and incredible brett porter or old ale beer that they advertised. It was from Soul Barrel brewery, almost a year before I will visit them. But I opened the beer, and wow, it was one of the most amazing beers that I have ever had. They barrel aged the beers as like the others, but that was the first time in years that I had a beer like that.

And then... My phone got stolen. All of or most of the photographs of me drinking that beer was on my phone, so I only have some picture of the bottle which I kept after finishing the beer. I wanted to buy another of this beer, as my father would have loved it, but they were out of stock! It just shows how popular this brewery is, and how limited their stock is. If it is gone, it is pretty much gone forever because it takes so long to brew these beers.


Okay, so now the beers! Enough of these stories. Let me jump straight into the tasting notes.

East India Pale: Brett IPA

Brett IPA | 7.1 % ABV | 55 IBUs




Both these Brett beers, the IPA and the old Porter, was brewed to celebrate the traditional and "old" way of making beers. In this IPA case, the style tried to mimic the old heavily hopped high ABV style that made it possible to transport these beers.

Immediately on my nose, this beer was different to the more sour beers previously reviewed. It was much deeper and richer with some of the same acidic notes; but much more fruity, with the classic IPA hops (it reminded me of their other beer, the candy cone hazy IPA).

This beer was slightly more carbonated than others. I got a lot of caramel malt notes coming through on the nose. The first sip was interesting; it was a combination of all the sour beers but mixed with the candy cone IPA I reviewed first. It was very bitter (55 IBUs) compared to the others; and it had slightly more alcohol that you can taste - the other beers so far you could not immediatly pick up that there was so much alcohol in it.

As the beer warmed up a bit, I got more pronounced IPA flavours that came through especially with caramel notes.


Old London Porter – Historical Brett Ale

Brett Porter | 10 % ABV | 52 IBUs


What a big beer, 10% ABV and more than 50 IBUs, more like imperial russian stout than a porter in my opinion.

It was an incredibly heavy beer, with bold notes of liquorice and chocolate. It was incredibly full bodied and I even got some whisky notes on the nose.

The smell was heavy, dense, with incredibly rich and diverse notes; definitely chocolate. I was also kind of confused due to all the different flavours; charred barrel, whisky peated nose; but also a little bit sweet.

I let the beer warm up a bit, and this opened up the beer. The nose was very much the same but with a more pronounced homebrewed beer smell and taste; which I loved. Warmed up, the bitter comes through much stronger with a coffee bean taste. I was reminded by the same smell and taste when you eat coffee beans.




Postscriptum, Or So Yet Another Beer Tumbles Down the Hatch

So many beers! I cannot believe that I managed to get so many unique beers from the South African craft beer market.

Even though I near 100 beers reviewed for #BeerSaturday, I am not even close to having reviewed most of South African craft beers.

It is incredible that our small country can offer so much!

For now, happy drinking, and keep well.

All of the drunken opinions are my own, even though I am sad that I could not get another of the porter beers. The photographs are also my own, taken with my Nikon D300.

Inside the Philosopher's Beer Fridge

Boet Beer Brewing CoBrews:
🍺 Boet Beer Lager
🍺 Boet Beer Easy Blonde
🍺 Boet Beer Pale Ale
Boston BreweriesBrews:
🍺 Naked Mexican
🍺 Premium Lager
Buffelsfontein BeerBrews:
🍺 Lager
Cape Brewing Company (CBC)Brews:
🍺 Amber Weiss
🍺 Pilsner
Cape CollectiveBrews:
🍺 Session IPA
🍺 Lager
Cederberg BreweryBrews:
🍺 Voertsek IPA
Charlie's BreweryBrews:
🍺 Cormorant Bourbon Stout
🍺 Harbour American Pale Ale
🍺 Wild Flower SAPA
🍺 Sandveld Lager
Clarens BreweryBrews (All Brews Reviewed in this post):
🍺 Hazelnut Brown Ale: Clarens Goes Nuts
🍺 Stout
🍺 Tondon Pilsner
🍺 Village Lager
🍺 Weiss
🍺 English Ale
🍺 Blonde
🍺 Mulled Apple Cider
🍺 Red Ale
🍺 Citrus Haze APA
Darling BrewBrews:
🍺 Warlord Imperial IPA
🍺 Arrow Head Russian Imperial Stout
🍺 Long Claw Modern Saison
🍺 God Father IPA
🍺 Just Beer Lager
🍺 Just Braai Lager
🍺 The Wanderer Pilsner
Devil's Peak Beer CompanyBrews:
🍺 Jucy Lucy Hazy IPA
🍺 King's Blockhouse IPA
🍺 Lucy loves Candy NEIPA
Drakensberg BreweryBrews (All Brews Reviewed in this post):
🍺 Cathedral Peak Pilsner
🍺 Champagne Castle Blonde Ale
🍺 Giant's Castle Stout
🍺 Amphitheater Red Ale
Folk & GoodeBrews:
🍺 Stout
🍺 Pilsner
Hey Joe Brewing CoBrews:
🍺 Session IPA
Jack Black Brewing CoBrews:
🍺 Skeleton Coast IPA
🍺 Butcher's Block Pale Ale
🍺 Original Cape Pale Ale
🍺 Brewers Lager
Karoo Craft BreweriesBrews:
🍺 The Ram Stout
🍺 The Jackal IPA
🍺 The Impala APA
🍺 The Kudu Lager
Mad GiantBrews:
🍺 Capital DIPA (in Collaboration with Capital Craft)
🍺 Killer Hop Pale Ale
🍺 Lager
Old Harbour BeerBrews:
🍺 Old Harbour Lager
Paternoster BreweryBrews:
🍺 Pilsner
Route 96 BreweryBrews (All Brews Reviewed in this post):
🍺 Zamalek Lager
🍺 Summer Blond
🍺 Africa Pilsner
🍺 Stout
Sabie Brewing Co/Hops Hollow Sabie BreweryBrews:
🍺 Dravidian Draught IPA
🍺 Glynn's Gold Golden Ale
🍺 Safari Gold Marula Infused Blonde Ale
🍺 Cockney Liz English Bitter
🍺 Shangaan Stout
Saggy Stone Brewing Co.Brews:
🍺 Bear Jam - Session IPA
🍺 Pale Weizenbock
🍺 Rocky River Pale Ale
🍺 Bomb Squad Lager
🍺 Silver Back Dry Irish Stout
🍺 Dark Horse Lager
🍺 Sabro Brut IPA
🍺 Citra Nova Brut IPA
🍺 Desert Lager
🍺 Blind Mole Pilsner
Soul Barrel Brewing Co.Brews:
🍺 Candy Cone Southern Hemisphere Hazy IPA
🍺 Live Culture: Barrel Aged Farmhouse Ale
🍺 Ale of Origin: Spontaneous Sour Beer
🍺 Wild African Soul: Sorghum Farmhouse Beer
St. Francis Brewing Co.Brews:
🍺 The Beach Blonde Lager
Striped HorseBrews:
🍺 Milk Stout
🍺 Lager
🍺 Pilsner
That Brewing Co.Brews (All Brews Reviewed in this post):
🍺 That Blond Ale
🍺 That Subtropical Ale (Delicious Monster)
🍺 That American Pale Ale (APA)
🍺 'el Juicy IPA
Yeti Underground MovementBrews:
🍺 Black H-Ops Black IPA
Imported (Non-South African) BeersBrews:
🍺 Super Wit
🍺 Duvel Tripel Hop Citra IPA
🍺 Maredsous Bruin
🍺 Trappistes Rochefort 8
🍺 Stangen IPL (India Pale Lager)


We have a Beer's of the World tasting room about 2 miles from me. I personally am not a beer fan but I bet you would enjoy visiting it and tasting all the different ales.


Thank you so much! I am sure I would have loved it. Beer has such a special place in my life! Thanks again and I hope you have a wonderful week!


Cheers! 🍻
I tasted a lot of it, too. But I still believe that the best I have not tried yet.


That is the best way to go, right? Is to always think that the best beer will come, just another and another …


I wish I can taste this beer. But we have nothing like it in my country. Nevertheless, enjoy your beer
