From the South of Chile to Brazil Pt. 4: Low Standards


My comfort on the polyestyrene lasted little. I don't think I mentioned it, but I tried for my travel equipment to be as light as possible. Quite the challenge in fall at such a southern and cold part of the world.

For such purpose, I only took one thick blanket for cover as I don't yet own a sleeping bag (will have to buy one if ever traveling the south again). I also had planned to rely on some thermal clothings I was wearing along the road but they were super wet on the extremes and could only wear them half way.

I managed, by waking up constantly through the night to breathe deeply and regain heat through that mechanism, to hold on till around 4 am before I desisted from the desire to get a good sleep. Ayun, on the other hand, was going great and this was the most comfortable he'd slept in months. He was the kind of person who preferred to ready his body for the night with generous amounts of wine, instead of finding somewhere to sleep. Now he lay on something softer than the floor and a roof over his head... Quite the upgrade.

A few hours till sunrise and it wasn't getting any warmer until then so I decided to sit and meditate. For moments I was able to concentrate and others I would start to fall asleep again and go cold. The hard part was adjusting my position for comfort without making too much noise and avoid waking up my room mate. He was in other worlds, which he let me know through his incomprehensible mumbling and I didn't want to ruin his adventure.

I would of given much to start a proper fire that could get me warm and dry my clothes. Need I tell you I was missing the forest once more?

Finally, sunrise came, but it didn't do much good as the sky was falling with such intensity you'd think of building an Ark.

I decided to explore the building some more. It had a second floor, but no stairs to get there. Luckily, there were areas without walls, where the structure was in plain sight and it was possible to climb. It was a bit of a dangerous climb, but I managed. Typical, when these things happen I have no camera to prove it and this place would have been great to share in the Urban Explorers community.

Anyway, there was a closed room in the second floor where someone was or had been living a degenerate life; it was filled with beer cans and dirty dishes, though the "bed" was far better than what I had spent the night in.

There was a good knife and a decent kettle, which I thought for a moment in taking, but decided to leave in case the owner eventually came back. I left the room and went down the corridor to enter another area, which had the floor covered in some black stuff. Upon closer inspection I realized it was all human shit.

To be continued...


Wow. If I wouldn't know better, I would think that I'm reading a first player post-apocalyptic story that I would rather not be the protagonist in.

Curious where you write your posts though.


Hahaha, south America if feeling pretty post apocalyptic for anyone who isn't living within the structures of the system, specially Argentina

And this all happened about a month ago, right now I'm comfortably writing from a bed in a farm in Brasil hehe


Quite a cliffhanger 🤣 wish I wasn’t eating when I read it.

We always forget Chile gets cold. Is there some specific destination in Brazil or is the destination the journey itself?


Hahaha, classic. The other day I was eating and someone comes up with their phone to show me a drunk guy barfing his guts out

I wanted to get to somewhere near the tropics where people are living in some type of fruitarian utopia, just working the land, being kind to one another and the animals around them, and having harmless fun.

Guess I'm still far from the tropics but I haven't found anything remotely close to that and it seems that Brasil doesn't even allow it as you can't own rural lands for living a peaceful life, you must but it as a company with a capitalist project in mind, by law.
