El marinero frustrado ! Cuéntame una historia del 6 de mayo de 2023.


A Pepe cuando era pequeño su padre siempre le contaba fábulas de su abuelo, marinero de alta mar le había tocado sortear muchas dificultades.

Un relato que siempre volvía a los labios de su padre era aquel en el que el barco de pesca de su abuelo encalló en una playa rocosa. Un lugar inaccesible, ubicado en medio del océano. Ese día lo acompañaban cinco marineros, fornidos.

Nada los asustaba, su abuelo lo que siempre cuidaba era de su dentadura postiza que era uno de sus mayores tesoros, ya que sin ella se sentiría desgraciado.

Uno de los objetos que lograron rescatar del naufragio era una cacerola metálica y unas tazas, además de unas cebollas y unos vegetales disecados. Con ellos siempre viajaban unos pollos y unas gallinas, con el impacto estás se escaparon y comenzaron a correr por la playa.

Ya entrada la tarde el hambre comenzaba a hacer estragos en aquellos hombres, dándose cuenta de lo desvalidos que se encontraban, reunieron unas ramas
y hojas secas y encendieron una hoguera.

De una corriente de agua recogieron agua fresca que colocaron en la cacerola, para hervirla. Uno de ellos acorraló a una de las aves sueltas, le torció el cuello y desplumandola con habilidad la troceo en partes más pequeñas, así las colocaron en las cacerola junto con la cebolla y vegetales picados y la cocinaron al fuego de la hoguera.

Así ya pasados veinte minutos un nutritivo guisado de pollo inundaba el ambiente de aquella solitaria playa. Dando gracias a Dios por su misericordia con ellos pasaron a calmar el hambre que los había atenazado con el recuerdo de la vida que ahora estaban recuperando.

[Image from Pixabay.com]


When Pepe was a child, his father always told him fables about his grandfather, a sailor on the high seas who had to overcome many difficulties.

One story that always came back to his father's lips was the one in which his grandfather's fishing boat ran aground on a rocky beach. An inaccessible place, located in the middle of the ocean. That day he was accompanied by five burly sailors.

Nothing frightened them, his grandfather always took care of his false teeth, which were one of his greatest treasures, because without them he would be miserable.

One of the objects they managed to rescue from the shipwreck was a metal pan and some cups, as well as some onions and some dried vegetables. With them always traveled some chickens and hens, with the impact you are escaped and began to run along the beach.

By late afternoon, hunger was beginning to take its toll on the men, and realizing how helpless they were, they gathered some branches and dry leaves and lit a fire.
They gathered some branches and dry leaves and lit a fire.

From a stream of water they collected fresh water which they placed in the pan to boil. One of them cornered one of the loose birds, twisted its neck and plucked it with skill and cut it into smaller pieces, so they placed them in the pan along with the onion and chopped vegetables and cooked it on the fire of the bonfire.

After twenty minutes, a nutritious chicken stew flooded the atmosphere of that lonely beach. Giving thanks to God for his mercy they went on to calm the hunger that had gripped them with the memory of the life they were now recovering.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Estimados amigos

Esta es mi participación en el Cuentame una historia del día 6 de mayo de 2023 por @freewritehouse.

Invito a participar a @marybellrg, @sacra97, @josegilberto, @mllg


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I invite you to know the mega trend of well-being and health and the possibility of incorporating an accelerated and sustained growth business, visit My Store in which you will meet products for the support of the immune system and well-being.


Me gustó tu historia positiva, con naufragio pero manteniendo la fe.
