History; A Man Called Jaja Of Opobo

It’s not surprising that if you ask some people who is Jaja Of Opobo, they would find it difficult to answer even when their heritage was tied to his achievements. Today, I’ll be telling you a brief history about a Nigerian legend who sacrificed a lot for his country and somehow forgotten in the books of history

Jaja Of Opobo


Ai generated picture of King Jaja Source

According to historical records and research

Jaja, originally known as Mbanaso Okwaraozurumbaa, was born in the 1820s in Amaigbo, in present-day Imo State, Nigeria. He belonged to the Igbo ethnic group and was captured and sold into slavery at a young age. However, fate had something else in store for him.

Jaja's intelligence, resilience , and business ability caught the attention of a British trader named Macgregor Laird. Recognising Jaja's potential, Laird purchased his freedom and mentored him in the world of commerce and trade. This trait is mostly founded in the current age of Nigeria, especially in the Igbo community. 🇳🇬 The Igbos are known for their business skills.

In the mid-19th century, Jaja established himself as a successful trader, primarily dealing in palm oil. He quickly rose to in reputation, earning the respect and admiration of his peers. In 1870, Jaja founded the city-state of Opobo, located in present-day Rivers State, Nigeria, and became its chief.

Opobo became a thriving centre of trade and commerce under Jaja's leadership. He established a powerful merchant navy and controlled a significant portion of the palm oil trade in the region. Jaja's smart business decisions and negotiation skills enabled him to negotiate favourable trading agreements with European powers, including Britain.

However, Jaja's growing influence and success aroused the suspicion and envy of the British colonial administration. They saw his autonomy and wealth as a threat to their control over the region's resources. In 1884, the British declared Opobo a protectorate, attempting to assert their authority over Jaja and his kingdom.


Earliest image of King Jaja Of Opobo.

One thing you should know about Nigeria's history is that, Nigeria was conquered indirectly using its traditional leaders, and since the Igbo people are known to be acephalous, meaning they have no particular traditional ruler, They have elders who make decisions on any communal matters.

Refusing to accept British control, Jaja resisted their encroachment and attempted to maintain the independence of Opobo. This led to a series of conflicts and tensions between Jaja and the British. In 1887, Jaja was betrayed and captured during a visit to the British-controlled city of Akassa.

Jaja was exiled to the West Indies, where he spent several years in captivity before his death in 1891. It was painful that he was never returned to his land where he deserved a proper burial but despite his capture and exile, Jaja's legacy as a visionary leader and a symbol of resistance against colonialism lives on.

Today, Jaja of Opobo is celebrated as a hero and a symbol of Nigeria's resilience and entrepreneurial spirit. Although, he may have been exiled from his land to a land unknown, in his land, he will never be forgotten. He wasn’t just Jaja of Opobo, he was King Jaja of Opopo. You can read more Here and learn about him

If you read this to the end, I’m sure you have learnt a part of the Nigeria history.

Fun fact: I’m not the only one writing about history today, if you want to know more history, visit this thread and you would see many people submitting their write up there. You also have a history you want to talk about and want people to know about, then you can join the inleo daily prompt write up. If you want to know more about it, Click on this Link and you will get the knowledge of what you need to know and do to be a part of this daily writing prompt. This is the #marchinleo edition, it’s never too late to join.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hehehe. What a long surname of Jaja. I have also heard of Jaja of Opobo but never took time to reading about his history. Thanks to Inleo for this prompt, I shall be learning some histories today. Lol
I also wrote about a particular item and its history, would be posting later in the day.

For someone like Jaja, it is normal to find betrayal in stories like him because not everyone would want to see your success and achievement. This legend continues to be remembered and not forgotten.


What made me even write about him was his tale. I did history class in high school and the way my teacher spoke about him was what made me interested in his story. The class was over 9years ago and I still remember his name.

Also, I’m a literature student so we have to read about Nigeria history too. Thanks for stopping by, also, I would like to read your historical discoveries too


Wow that's a interesting take to read. Thanks for sharing it friend. It's impressive to know how a single man threatened the British Empire. He must have been a strong and courageous spirit. Such stories of colonialism era always excites me. Have a good day friend. 🙏 !PIZZA


I’m happy to share and thanks for reading too my friend


Wow, this is highly educative and I remember reading about this in high school but lost all the details
Thank you for bringing this to our rememberance.


I have heard about Jaja of Opobo but never read much about him. You gave a detailed account of his work.

I enjoyed reading your post, it is very educative.


Well done brother.

I'm just hearing about jaja opopo for the first time,.it's.clear that so many Nigerian's hero deeds are swept under the carpet. This route was a tragic end but am glad a few still heard of it.
Thanks my guy❤


You’re welcome and I’m surprise you haven’t heard of him. Anyways I’m glad I brought this information to you
