I'm pleased to drop my input on this beautiful subject that has to do with the kind of that exist in my dear country. If you have been following my blog two months ago most of writing navigated through the kind of weather I had. Before I proceed with this, I would like to say that weather simply refers to a kind of atmosphere at a certain conditions at a particular place and time. Weather can be seen as an atmospheric condition at a particular place and time which is supported by factors like temperature, humidity etc.

I think weather is not the same thing as climate. The difference is that climate occurs for a long time compared to weather. Weather normally changes and is not constant to an extent like climate. For my beautiful country Nigeria and the exact location where I live, the weather differs compared to other parts of the state.
There are basically two kinds of climate or season I have noticed over time. We have the dry season and rainy season.

During the dry season, it's characterised by some factors like cold which begins around October to December. The weather around this season used to be extremely cold though that can't be compared with other countries. I could remember when we visited a community during December. A friend of mine couldn't hold it all through our three days stayed. He could not even bath due to the intensity of the weather. January to March is more of hot weather where even fan will be blowing heat instead of cooling the environment. The dry season in the nutshell consist of cold and hot weather while the rainy season normally begins around April to October.

Presently we are in the rainy season in this location. It's in this season that farming activities are done on high level. You could see an individual inspite of the rain go farm to plant different foodstuffs. Some of the crops are getting ready for harvest especially those who were able to farm during the first rainfall. It's also in this kind of weather that people eat a lot because the rain normally interrupts some activities. The kind of rain we are experiencing currently I doubt whether I have seen that before. The first rain came so heavily such that it pulled out some facilities. The block industry was overwhelmed by water even the small bridge that Crosses the main road vehicles couldn't cross to the other side. Some properties were destroyed by the rain and some erosion across certain regions.

picture is my own.

For the past three days it has been raining all through and there is cold right now. I managed to check some few persons on tue neighbourhood when the rain stopped. This kind of weather makes the environment looks irritating for me especially when there are unkept places. Its very important that children shouldn't go out without cardigan or sweater to minimise the effects of cold. I advised people to stock their houses with food stuff because the rate at which people eat is very high.
The weather changes all the time and God is helping us to adopt to it.

this is my entry for #augustinleo and all comments appreciated.


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