
It is a midweek and here comes another great theme for the second edition of the engagement. It has been quite impressive participating in this wonderful community.
The theme focuses on music even though i am not a die heart fan of music however i love music and it does a lot to me especially during my quiet time.
Many people do not pay attention to the lyrics of a song and its worthy to note that some artiste as well do not know how to compose and write good lyrics. You could hear the rhythm of a song but when you endeavour to check the lyrics you do not find anything reasonable.

The strength of every song lies within its lyrics. The better the lyrics the better the song. This was a common thing in those compared to what i see now. Lyrics forms an integral part of the song.
Our current artiste do not know how to write powerful lyrics of any song.

In this post, i would like to share what lyrics means to me. I would also attempt to glean through some significance of songs lyrics and finally check the variance between the former and the latter lyrics.

Lyrics are words written that is sang as a song. It conveys lots of meaning and causes multifaceted transformation either emotionally, psychologically culturally. Lyrics are lines written which could be a story or a testimony of ones experience or one's expectation. In those days, lyrics are means that artiste used to correct certain norms even in the society or address a situation in the government. After writing its now translated into music with sounds accompanying it.

I enjoy music in the church a lot especially when such songs are transmitted or projected on the screen. There are certain songs today that i find it difficult to comprehend it because the sound normally overshadow the content hence they would not allow you peep into song. It does not make any sense like that. Songs are made to soften and connect one to God in order to have good communication with God. I can boldly say that most songs today doe not communicate substance that could bring transformation in one's life at all.

One of the relevance of lyrics is that it enables the audience or listeners to flow with the song. I mean to say that lyrics is a source of communication between the artiste and the listener. The clearer your lyrics the better and effective your song communication. When good communication is attained, it would result to change in all facets.

Another important thing that lyrics does is that it speaks to the emotions and enables the listener to meditate very well within those. Have you notice sometimes when going through some lyrics, you become tensed and begining to shade tears? Oh yes it has happened to me on several occasions.

Lyrics edifies and gives hope to the hopeless. Today some artiste sing to make gain and enrich their pockets. They do not have sufficient to meditate and get inspire to share depth.

Thanks for reading through my entry for week 141 edition 2.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That’s the sad reality, only few artists really sing because they want to reach a good place in people’s hearts and not really for the money.

For now, as individuals, we just have to guide our hearts to the kind of songs we listen to because there will always be good and bad music.


That's just the basic truth my dear. Thanks so much for sharing your similar input on this subject.


I totally agree with you that the strength of songs lie within its lyrics. That's why I love Asa and Brymo.
Thanks for sharing.


Oh yes. Their songs really inspires and edifies an individual. How i wished there would be revival in the music industry of today.


Agreed with your content. As indiduals we have right to give calmness to our hearts ❤️


Nowadays few artists are really dedicated to making music, especially with all this autotone and artificial intelligence that does things for them.

It is unfortunate to see how the essence and meaning of the songs deteriorate more and more deeply, going from being epic representations of life to simply being symbols of cultural and social decline.
