Love is everything and everything means love to me. When I kept reflecting on the word, my mind couldn't fathom the depth and the height of it. I must confess that I could grasp love in its totality till but in this post I would attempt to share perspective and try to highlight cogent reasons why I consider love as the greater healer or as the greatest healing instruments I have ever known.

Love is bigger and broader than my imagination and its practices. Love is not just a word but a thing that requires sacrifices, deliberate action and clear manifestation. To me genuine and real love can't be fake. When love is faked I doubt whether is actually love. Love covers multitude of things which constitutes both strength and weaknesses. Love is sacrificial. Love is a language. Love speaks. Love acts. Love is living. Love is everything.

I have spent quite a number of years now in the area of humanitarian services based on my capacity. I have seen a lot of things in the course of rendering these selfless services. If you want to have an indelible effect on humanity then love can't be exonerated at all. I would like to share a story of a lady I encountered during my national youth service in the Northern part of Nigeria. I would kindly share how she became liberated and healed as a result of the demonstration of love.

This young lady finished her compulsory youth service and decided to stay back because leaving to her home town would cushion any effect of the challenges that confronts her. She has been in that compound for several years. I had the privilege to be one of the state executive of the Nigerian Christian corpers fellowship in that same state. All executive must stay in the general compound called family all through the period of their service year. It was on that note that I came across this damsel one cool evening.

I noticed that she doesn't move with people neither do people in turn interact with her. I was compelled to sit her down and discuss with her. From the moment I called her and asked her to see me, I noticed a fair challenge already from her countenance. As we opened the discussion,she was so excited to have me around and to listen to her plight of the present predicament then. She told me that she has been in this house for so many years now. She has been looking for job opportunities from different organisations and churches all ended up in dread lock. Even her family relations deserted her therefore she decided to stay back to start up a life completely.

As the discussion gets deeper, she told me that she has been suffering from epilepsy which affects her and makes people distance themselves from her. She told me right now, she has concluded on a suicidal mission since no one could care for her neither show her love. She has given up on life. Hmmm hearing this I was deeply moved. I started encouraging her to be optimistic and it's not yet over. She has a bright future and God will open door for her. I try to build her self worth and redefined her again. I sacrificed my meal for that night for her. I looked for a token and gave her to sort her needs. Haven seen this, she immediately changed her mind and believed all that I said. She said there's no need for committing suicide again. She was overwhelmed by the real demonstration of love I showed her. Wow she was healed of depression and emotional instability.

You don't need everything before you show love. What you have might be some one's need. Your good counsel and act of love could bring total deliverance to an individual. I have seen many people liberated from hunger, depression, lack, poverty, wounded heart etc as a result of the demonstration of love. Love is an instrument that could bring total deliverance to a life. Don't withhold what you have but show love today. Ooooh the power of love brings healing.
Thanks for reading through and all comments appreciated.

all pictures are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Love heals indeed
Absolutely love ia about to feeling not material things


Sir keep working in God's field, may he keep you save, lead you to where he wants you to work for him.
