

It's another beautiful day and week. I wish to express my gratitude to God for this possibility and I wish all the participants God's grace and mercy as we engage on this. When I saw the theme, I was happy because it's timely and that's the reality that has befallen us in my area.

God is beautiful and perfect in all His ways and acts. God created weather for a reason and also to be of advantage to man. Weather determines the direction of the activities of man. There are different kinds of weather even right from my elementary science. We have four kinds of weather. Summer, winter, autumn spring. I wouldn't want to delve into this in details because I am not a good geographer. I noticed that each of the weather is unique and possesses certain characteristics to differentiate it from others. The individual differences that exist amongst us results to one to prefer one of the weather to the other.

Each month has a particular kind of weather associated with it. For instance December to January is intense cold that is mostly experienced. During this kind of weather people's skins gets torn and dry easily because of the level of coldness. I could remember that's when I used to buy more of Vaseline cream and other cold materials for my kids and wife. Between February to march and late April hmmm in my area is a very hot season where you would not like to wear clothes even on your body of the amount of heat. In this kind of season, it's very difficult for one to even leave his windows open especially those of us that don't have air condition. I carefully watched a reel yesterday and I was so surprised with the latest business of cool your body business. The lady was standing outside with drums of water and buckets along side for any one who is interested to come and pour. I saw queue and people coming to pour water on their heads because of the intensity of the heat. This could be the latest business in town hahahahaha it was a comedy sha.

How is the weather in my area currently?

Hmmm the current situation in my area is heat oooooo. It looks as if one could even use the weather and even boil water, cook other things self. Since the advent of this weather, things have really changed within my environment. You can't cook and keep outside for hours like egusi etc.. because the weather does not support egusi soup to be closed in a pot like that. What a weather. Recently I noticed that any substance in my house like cream, palm oil etc that conjure before will suddenly melt because of the weather.

How is it supposed to be?

Well the intensity of the heat ought not to be like this at this time but since this is happening now, there could be changes in the atmospheric condition due to the excess activities of man on the planet. This be could be global warming or so. It could be as a result of pollution too.

What can be done is to for the government within my area to come up with policies against deforestation and other man's activity detrimental to the environment. Another thing is that people should learn to appreciate all kinds of weather and patiently go through it for better days ahead. Windows should be well ventilated. Always have good water in your toilets/bathrooms.

Thanks for reading through.


The beautiful about we humans we have this special way of cooing with situations, the heat is so much that I just feel like going on low cut to save myself the stress so water can touch my curl.


Hmmm this year's heat is something else friend. If that will be fine for you then go ahead.


Men I wish we could skip this weather to the rainy season, the heat is way too much..


Seriously, the heat has become something else right now.

Thanks for visiting


I have four bottles of drinking water at home, since the water service is almost always cut off without any explanation, when I uncork the bottles, the water is hot, all because of the heat in the environment. The heat wave in Guarenas is frightening. It rains occasionally, and the ground always gives off vapors because it is so hot. I believe that the fault lies with us humans that when we carry out our economic activities that include producing, trading and consuming we use fossil fuels, oil and coal, generating high emissions of CO2 and other gases that heat up the weather.


You've spoken well and I love your solution of deforestation being regulated, If not the worst is yet to come.
