Government or private sector? Kindly read through
The big question is which one is preferable? Government owned facility or private? It would be wrong to quickly jump into conclusion without adequately find out the perks of both. For this entry, I would like to appreciate the management for their show of love and consistency in making the sphere available for us to send in our input. My singular prayer always is that God will continue to reward you. It's been an awesome moment dropping an input that could cause a quantum shift in one's life.
For this topic, i found it difficult to draw conclusions however I would try and bring out some benefits of both government and private sectors. I had the privilege to attend a programme in one of the outstanding universities we have in my country. I really enjoyed my stay all through the programme. I was shocked when an elderly person shared how the school started over fifty years ago. He told me how that the government sectors thrived better than the private. In fact there was no mention of private so much if not because of the decline in leadership system that erupted which paved way for corruption.
He said in those days there's no facility that can be compared to government own. They were viable and reliable. He had the privileged to attend most of the government facilities such school, health and many others. The university that accommodated us, in one evening I went and saw how the dinning Hall dilapidated. He said in those days you don't cook because the government provided everything that a student needs. Anytime you wish to eat you go straight to the dinning and collect whatever you want. Life was easy and cheap for the masses.
When corruption started invading the fabric of people, most government facilities and sectors are rendered useless. Everyone who gets to power tries to establish a personal firm. This became the Genesis of most present private sectors that we have today. The private came into existence to compliment what the government couldn't achieve. The big question that keeps resonating in my heart is that has the private sector really alternate what the government does? It's difficult for me to answer.
I had the privilege to attend government primary school until I gained admission into a secondary where my parents chose private instead of government. I had good and industrious teacher back then that always like to dish out what they know. They weren't as lazy as the crop of teachers we have presently.
all pictures are mine
The private sector supposed to offer better and organised outstanding services to the public but most of them are selfish and tend to extort resources from the masses. In as much as we have privates that aren't doing well however there are good ones. Let me cite an example with the health sector. Most of the government health facilities doesn't have enough machines to investigate some critical health issues. When my uncle had a protracted illness, there wasn't a good response from the government hospital because of strikes and other demands from the government. It was resort to take him to private facility where proper medical attention was given to Him.
When my wife was doing antennal processes in the government facility, She had to withdraw because of the poor health attention she received. Immediately we changed to private where we couldn't spend so much time before the doctor saw us and attended to us.
Presently it is the private that controls most things in my country in telecommunications, health, sports,etc.
Thanks for reading through my entry.
If not for the watch down in the government sector I would have still preferred the sector, truely it should be complimentary but the reverse is the case. We just go for the one that is fare because at the moment we are far from having the best.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for your input. Really appreciate
I have heard stories of how things were going well in the past until corruption came in, making the ones in the position misuse the chance to be greedy and not carry out a good job. They are the sets of people that make them insult government owned services because of their nonchalant attitudes.
You're absolutely right. Thanks for your input
Yes, back then, in the government educational sector, they organized and structured services that were well-operated by the government, but now the government has failed. The private seems to be organized and ordered their services.
You are right my dear however some private have only good structure that eyes can see but when inside hmmm you would see lots of lacuna. Some of them use people a lot to achieve their self centred goals. But sha they are trying.
The answer will depend a lot on the country we are talking about, however, at a general level, there has been a decline in all aspects of government. In my country, the best university, internationally recognized is public, and in fact it costs a lot to enter, but as far as health is concerned, I swear you must opt for a good insurance because the public one is a calamity.
It's true. What I believe is that the private ought to augment the government because of her failure to maintain standard. There are some private health facilities that charges a lot such that common man becomes difficult to pay. I think we need to pray to God for a total change
Hmm, I just wish we can have that kind of government our predecessors had. Nowadays everything is just bad. Even though most private bodies are selfish and blinded by greed, I still prefer them for now, atleast their services are reliable and of high quality
Good to note that you preferred the services of private to the government. Thanks for your input.
Overall for me personally the private structure is superior to the government structure in the health sector, because I think in the government structure there are many mafias who play in it, no one is in control, thank you very much for sharing your opinion on today's topic, I hope your day is pleasant, friends.
I think everyone is entitled to a particular opinion based on the kind of experience had. Lately a woman in Lagos told me that she can't give birth in a private health facility because there are varied qualified doctors that normally attend to her during delivery.
Thanks for your input and my day is fine
When corruption started invading the fabric of people, most government facilities and sectors are rendered useless.
This is the true state of my nation now. Government facility would have be the best but no.