Burnout and way out.
I normally say that man no be wood. No matter how you worked, rest is very important because electronics after a long usage needs to go off so that it could be used later. Some years back, one of the prevailing thing that gained grounds over time and has also wiped out some lives is burnout. We are all humans therefore we can't say that we are always fortified with strength that we don't need to rest or do other engagement.
Brunout entails stress or exhaustion that is being caused by stress in our workplace. Some organisations don't have any allowance for their workers to have rest or go on adequate vacation to enable them resuscitate. There are many causes of burnout however I would share few and also discuss some real life situation i saw recently.
Earlier this morning, i received a beautiful call from my cousin who happened to be a trained and certified nurse. He works with one of the best medical facility in my state in the female ward precisely. There was a programme ahead which he is part of the organisers and resource person as well. Few weeks before the programme, he was on night shift all through so that he would be ayti get permission to be absent for a week which will encroach into the programme.
The day he finished his shift decided to head straight to the programme venue to join host of others preparing for the event. Personally I was thinking he would have given himself a little break to be able to regain himself and well fortified before the programme but it wasn't so. He gallantly stepped into the programme and was greatly engaged. Immediately after the programme he returned to work but unfortunately he started doing abnormal things that the entire management were confused. Later it was discovered that he didn't rest for three weeks. The director decided to give him some break to gan himself. Few tests were done and was diagnosed with malaria, typhoid. Apparently he knew that rest was the challenge because he was truly stressed.
This is what I called burnout. He practically got himself exhausted. One thing in life is that when one dies, there are always other people that would take over therefore don't kill yourself on unnecessary things. Work can't finishing but you can finish your self.
Let me quickly go to the causes of burnout.
- One of the outstanding thing i would note about burnout is stress. When you are stressed and refused to acknowledge it, definitely it will shatter lots in your life. Any stress that is not properly managed could lead to depression which eventually the end of such individual.
- Poor work life balance is another key factor that can cause burnout. In life, one must learn to have balance whatever one is doing. Strike a balance between your work and personal life.
Let me share some ways that one can avoid burnout.
- Have a good time management schedule. Your time is your life therefore never joke with time. Assign time to everything. One of the challenges i have with my boy now is the issue of time management. He does not know how to manage himself neither to take care of himself. Once you give him liberty, he would begin to do what he wants.
- Have a schedule. Plan whatever you do and get a jotter to analyse your schedule for a day.
- Engage in exercise. This is very important. It would help the
Thanks for reading through my entry for this edition and all comments appreciated.
Honestly, man no be wood. breakdowns can occur at any given time.
These are some helpful tips you shared here.
Boss is true and thanks for coming around sir
Along with rest, sometimes you should take leave from work for a few days and go away somewhere so that there can be a change in the environment.
You're right. Thanks for the input
We are man, not machine.
Some company think that we can work like machine. But we really need rest sometime.
Perfectly said. Thanks for this input