Who inspires me: LOH 197


Who in your life inspires you to become the best version of yourself and how do they do it?

Las personas que más me inspiro desde mi niñez fueron mi madre y abuela, pero por cosas de la vida mi madre partió cuando era muy joven, así que compartí gran parte de mi vida con mi abuela, ella siempre con sus consejos y regaños era una mujer guerrera, siempre dispuesta ayudar a quien la necesitara, es como si ese fuera su propósito de vida. También mi esposo siempre me he apoyado, incluso me incita a que siga estudiando, aprendiendo y eso es una de las razones por que lo quiero, por de verdad me apoya y motiva a mejorar y crecer. Otra persona que me impacto en mi infancia fue mi amiga Nelly, ella a pesar de ser de una familia muy acomodada era muy sencilla, siempre nuestra competencia era muy sana. Era ver quién sacaba las mejores notas o quién resistía más haciendo deporte. Con los años nuestra amistad a pesar de nuestras diferencias se ha mantenido, nuestro cariño y amistad en el tiempo. De alguna forma puedo decir que me inspira la gente humilde, la gente solidaria, la gente que parece común, pero no lo es. Toda la gente que a pesar de ser más inteligente o tener estatus mayor y a pesar de vivir realidades distintas, no te denigra ni mira por encima del hombro. Esa gente que a pesar de las dificultades sigue sonriendo y tomando acción para siempre ayudar a los demás. Esa gente es la que me inspira y me motiva con su ejemplo hacer mejor madre, mejor mujer, mejor hija, mejor amiga.

The people who inspired me the most since my childhood were my mother and grandmother, but because of life my mother left when I was very young, so I shared much of my life with my grandmother, she always with her advice and scolding was a warrior woman, always ready to help anyone who needed it, it is as if that was her purpose in life. Also my husband has always supported me, he even encourages me to continue studying, learning and that is one of the reasons why I love him, because he really supports me and motivates me to improve and grow. Another person who impacted me in my childhood was my friend Nelly, despite being from a very wealthy family she was very simple, our competition was always very healthy. It was to see who could get the best grades or who could resist more doing sports. Over the years our friendship despite our differences has been maintained, our affection and friendship over time. Somehow I can say that I am inspired by humble people, people of solidarity, people who seem common, but are not. All the people who despite being smarter or having higher status and despite living different realities, do not denigrate you or look down on you. Those people who despite the difficulties keep smiling and taking action to always help others. Those people are the ones who inspire me and motivate me with their example to become a better mother, a better woman, a better daughter, a better friend.

En concreto, diría que mi mayor motivación ha sido mi carácter. Serena, creo que tengo una actitud muy tranquila. Desde niña he sido muy competitiva y nunca rendirme, siempre tratando de al máximo en todo lo que me propongo. No me gusta rendirme, siempre lo intento. Trabajo duro aunque no tenga algunas cualidades que tienen algunos. Lucho no para competir con nadie, ni menos para demostrarle a nadie mi valía, sino para demostrarme a mí misma que a pesar de los obstáculos y lo difícil de la vida, con mucha fe y esfuerzo puedo alcanzar mis metas y sueños. Aunque algunas personas me ha calificado de que soy algo fría porque suele reprimir mis sentimientos y ser poco expresiva en los momentos trágicos, siempre trato de ver lado positivo con cada experiencia retadora que nos hacen crecer y madurar en esta vida. Nosotras podemos elegir vivir con pesadez, queja y desilusión o hacer las cosas con entusiasmo y esperanza.

Specifically, I would say my biggest motivation has been my character. Serena, I think I have a very calm attitude. Since I was a child I have been very competitive and never give up, always trying to do my best in everything I set out to do. I don't like to give up, I always try. I work hard even if I don't have some qualities that some people have. I fight not to compete with anyone, much less to prove my worth to anyone, but to prove to myself that despite the obstacles and the difficulties of life, with a lot of faith and effort I can achieve my goals and dreams. Although some people have described me as cold because I tend to repress my feelings and not very expressive in tragic moments, I always try to see the positive side of every challenging experience that makes us grow and mature in this life. We can choose to live with heaviness, complaint and disappointment or do things with enthusiasm and hope.


las fotos publicadas en este blog son de mi propiedad.

the photos published in this blog are my own property.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Your story is truly inspiring. It's beautiful to see how your grandmother's wisdom and strength, along with the unwavering support from your husband and the genuine friendship with Nelly, have shaped you into the person you are today. I love your hair so natural.


Thank you very much for your visit, have a nice beginning of the week, blessings.


We all need a warrior grandmother x
I agree with you, people who are just real, they are inspire me too. Folk who are just being themselves x


Well, if we all have someone special thanks for the visit
