

Sometimes it is very difficult to maintain constancy whether doing sports in my work or even in Hive sometimes there are days that I do not even know what to publish and my mind goes blank and looks for the incitebas because in my opinion without it many people do not publish and it would be more boring for me are a good way to keep us active in the week because asilas will do regularly and from my point of view what I see in me that hinders the constancy is not the lack of will or ideas

If not rather a lack of motivation, we all want to look good, have a good physique, have a partner to support us, get a good income, to lead a life without problem and achieve all our goals. Is obvious that lack of desire is not because we have it to spare and maybe I can be wrong. but I think the problem is that we are badacostumbradas always give us everything and often grow with these ideas that we deserve all the good, all the best, but the reality is not so.

In many aspects, with the great growth and great influences of social networks and the internet, I feel that I have become more susceptible to constantly look for novelties contained in which stimulate me, make me laugh.For example, I tend to waste a lot of time watching funny videos and I do not know how to explain it, they capture my attention in the most boring moments and I think what I find most difficult to be constant and in my constant search for different things that provide pleasure and I have realized that these small stimuli are the biggest obstacle to my constancy It is our lack of resistance to boredom and even if we deny it, we are not capable of doing something that does not excite us. is that everything in life becomes monotonous school a sport a couple relationship, but before the internet technology with motivation or without it boring or we did not have to do things or we solved before we had more ability to resist boredom and The constancy allows us to move step by step overcoming obstacles and keeping the pace, while the focus keeps us on the right path avoiding distractions and concentrating on what really matters.


the photos published in this blog are my own property.


Let us know that ‘constancy’ is firmness and perseverance in our proposals and resolutions. It is permanence in a goal in order to culminate in reality. Consistency is a platform for other virtues, such as will, peace, tenacity, firmness, work, and recognition. It is necessary to create a spiritual, human, social, intellectual and sporting level. But when you become obsessed, constancy is stressful. A bit of everything is not bad, perfection is harmful.


If you are right, I used to think that if you lasted a long time in an activity and I stopped doing it only for a couple of days I felt terrible and I forgot all the work and time I had invested.
