SEO means free and powerful promotion



Search engine optimization the term itself says optimization And this is a powerful source of Organic traffic. You are showing the ad to someone else forcefully and he clicks on your ad and visits your website This is not called organic traffic. Organic traffic means the users come to your website by themselves And they have hopes they get what they are looking for. Nowadays artificial intelligence is taking place but still creativity has value That is why creative content is important.

Now there are many paid promotions available on the Internet But when it comes to SEO then it is totally free And you can implement it by yourself It is a kind of art. Most online businesses use SEO to promote their products. You can easily send your product promotion material to the people who need it by using the search engine optimization technique.

Unlike paid traffic, SEO has the ability to give you traffic for a long time and the traffic volume is bigger than the other methods. Implementing keywords in a post is not just called SEO but there are more things that are required. Let’s say you have a hotel and you are providing online delivery to the customers.

Your hotel name is Allen Hotel If someone searches for hotels near me and lands on your website and orders some food then it means you sold your food through the SEO so this is how SEO works. This way, you can easily promote any business you want.

There are three types of SEO, technical SEO, second is on-page SEO and third is off-page SEO. And you have to focus on All types of SEO to get an easy rank on Google and other search engines. You can also drive traffic on Hive by using the SEO technique but there are very few people doing this.

Hive is a bigger platform That is why we don’t need to do off-page optimization because we get it automatically. If you’re sharing your hive post on social media Then you are doing off-page SEO of your blog. On the on-page SEO you can select a popular keyword and include that particular keyword in the title headings, subheadings, first paragraph and last paragraph Also, it is important to add it in the permalink, but there is no option for permalink in the hive platform. That is why if you add it in the title, then it is enough.


There are no cons of SEO But if you use shortcuts like Blackhat SEO or Greyhat SEO, then it will become a problem for you. Fair use is important for any technology And if you use any technology fairly, then it will give you benefit. Otherwise, you face a loss. So these are the things that I want to share regarding SEO. I’m going to share more content on SEO. So you should need to follow me so you can access my future content Thank you for being here. Have a good day. Now Faiz Makrani signing off. B bye.

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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