Discriminated For Choosing A Nursing Career Because Of My Gender.


Discrimination is one of the worst thing that can happen to you as a human, it can really demoralize you and makes you to question your existence.

So many people had given up on their dream because they were discriminated for what they love doing and this is very serious. I would have also been among those who gave up but courage saved me.

My story

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I was a young man that wanted a career in the field of nursing, I was very passionate about it. I always loved the idea of helping people and thought nursing was the perfect way to do that. But when I began to pursue this dream there some obstacles because of my gender. I faced some discrimination at every move I made.

When I started my friends and people closed to me were making jest of me, they thought it was a dumb idea of wanting to be a nurse, like how would I be able to cope in the midst of women. Some people already assumed that I was on the nursing program to meet women, my friends and family members always told me that men didn't belong to that place, and I should not be among the men wanting to change that.

It was very discouraging but I know what I wanted, even when I still thought of what they said as true, I still never gave up it was a determination made by me to continue chasing that passion.

I started progressing through my studies and I finally finished school of nursing with good grades and experience. So I went ahead to look for job in the nursing field, but when I thought the challenges were over it became tougher. Some of the places and health centre that I applied for job rejected me because they saw me as a liability and not matched for the Job because of my gender. While women was mostly and commonly accepted for nursing positions especially in the field of pediatrics and obstetrics, I was told that the roles does not fit me as a male. Some employer did not even care to look or consider my application when they found out I was a man.

I almost gave up because I never new it was going to be tough like this, I just expected it will be based on your qualifications and not your gender. This made to think back about what my friends and family members told me about how the nursing career does not always favour men but only the women.

This was getting tougher on me but I never gave up because I knew what I wanted and I'm ready to go in for it. While I was still applying for jobs, I was still doing some home treatments and care and I was really good at it because it was my calling, sometimes I was doing free job s without getting paid but I never mind, never knew that those act of kindness were opening way for a bigger opportunity for me.

I was recommended by one of my home patient uncle that I took care of and I was given a Job in a hospital. I quickly adapted to everything going on because I was already use to it and I was learning fast and people around there loved they way I did my job perfectly and happily, they all saw the passion in me and they kept praising me for standing for myself.

I also found some few male nurses but they all had the same story and they have told me about those who gave up on the profession because they were discriminated so many times because of the career they choose.

In conclusion being discriminated because of gender can be a very difficult one, but it has taught me the relevance of standing up for what you believe in, even when people around are against you. Discrimination is tougher, but giving up is more tougher.


Yeah many people think the nursing profession is mainly for female, we really need to change that ideology.
Am glad you were able to stand strong and seeing you overcome your challenge is a good thing.
Congratulations man. 👍


There is always discrimination in this field although not too common these days but you still find it there. I'm happy you stood by what you love doing.
