Hive Naija Weekly Prompt 27: The good and thankful moments of the Year 2023 in my country


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A wiseman once said: "There is something to be thankful for in whatever situation/challenge faced" and this holds true but most times, we ignore this fact. In my country (Nigeria), last year happened to be challenging to majority of the populace especially the sudden removal of the fuel subsidy which most Nigerians are unprepared for as the crude oil fractionated products like PMS, Kerosene, diesel, liquified gas etc are used by vast majority either in houses, for business/commercial purpose, corporations/establishments etc. Aside the subsidy removal and its aftermath (like increase in food prices and transport fares), the late onset of raining season, the security issues, the high exchange rate, inflation, "japa syndrome" etc are the major challenges faced in the country. But, amidst all of these, there are also some positive developments which are good ones in recent years and which we shoild be thankful for, kindly follow me as i unravel them.

The first on the list is the increase in financial capacity of the government for the running of the country affairs. There was a significant multiplied increase in the amount of money available for governance as the federal, state and local governments monthly allocation from the national revenues increase and more funds are available. This positively impacted on the state government paying backlog of salaries, gratuities and pensions, while the local government are now more efficient and resuscitated from the incapacitation of paucity of funds. More states now have developmental and infrastructural projects and commissioning. All these came as a result of the subsidy removal.

The second on the list is the rehabilitation of some of the existing refineries and building of new ones by private firms. From last year, some of the existing morribound/underperforming refineries were undergoing rehabilitation e.g. the Porthacourt refinery after many years of neglect and there was construction of new ones by private companies with licenses granted to modular refineries too. All these resulted from the revamping of oil sector including the subsidy removal. In addition, licenses were given to various accredited individuals for exportation/importation of crude oil to boost the supply and need of the populace as against the previous trend.

The third on the list was the increase in the efficiency of some Ministry/department/agency (MDA) of government and some sectors. Last year, there was a massive clearing of backlog of passports by the immigration Service (NIS) which has affected alot of Nigerias from traveling in and out of the country as these has been improved for efficient service provision. Also, there were loan/subsidised facilities to improve some sectors like agriculture and some demands for the educational sector to avert future strike actions were met and on-going. The backlog of stipends for the youth empowerment scheme (NPOWER) from previous government were paid and some small and medium enterprises (SME) were granted loans/tax relief during the hit.

In all, despite the hit and heaping challenges faced in my country (Nigeria), some and many other good things happened either voiced or unvoiced. Therefore, there are good moments in challenging situations nomatter how bad they are or seems to.
Thanks for reading.


Despite all that happened in 2023, there are still things to be happy about just like you have explained in your post.

I didn't know many of these details until now and I just hope that the few good things that started should die down as usual.


Yes, there are.
It all happened and are verifiable.
Thanks for your comments


This is actually really fascinating to learn; that amidst the chaos in the country last year, there were these good happenings. Very insightful post, man. Hopefully, this year would be better for us all. Thank you for participating.


Thanks so much for your comment, really appreciates. Yes, there were good happenings sincerely and all these are verifiable. You are most welcome and thanks for reading.
