One of the major task of parents is to raise children who are well trained i.e. cultured, groomed, well-behaved. Discipline is key to life and is the bedrock for who and what we become in life. Discipline can be viewed from different sides such as a standard or guide proven to be effective for positive outcome in life when followed. Also, discipline can be seen as a set of rules/punishment to train, maintain or control human behavior. It is a fact that discipline is key in parenthood and starts from the parent as a lawless parent can't raise a disciplined child.
Discipline can be achieved in different ways as no two families or parents are the same and moreover, discipline is dynamic based on the peculiarity of each of the children. Discipline can involve use of physical punishment, words, regimen or conditioning to a particular system for a short while and all. I want to to reiterate it here that lack of discipline in families/homes and in schools are contributory factors to the decadence we have in our world today and also, extremes/imbalance of it too is dangerous.
Discipline doesn't necessarily mean it should be hurtful or painful though in some cases it might involve little discomfort, but ultimately, love and sincere desire should be the drive.
It is an anomaly when a child lacks correction or discipline or left to do what he or she likes without reprove, correction or necessary discipline as needed because children are not meant to be raised as such. I believe disciplinary measures starts with the parents modeling to the children the right lifestyle or how things ought to be either morally, religiously or ethically because the first set of life lessons are learnt from the parents mostly by due observation. When the child swayed, corrections can be done in love with admonitions, counsels, telling the child the right thing to do. However, if after doing such the child is not still getting it right after much patience, then punitive measures or regimen for awhile can be instituted while still emphasing the right thing in love.
The end result of a fruitful/positive disciplinary measure is a transformed life i.e. been changed from wrong to right. As a teacher at some time and also, a parent, with observations seen from others in such category, i have seen how good it is to be disciplined and to exercise discipline in the right way. Therefore, there are many sides to children discipline and many factors can influence that such as parents cooperation in the discipline, peer pressure, societal pressure etc, but in all discipline should not be restrained. Culturally, religiously and morally, discipline is encouraged but necessary balance should be involved with the end goal of transformation of the child's life from wrong to right. Fairness or fair hearing should be given to the child and justice through discipline exercised as appropriate in love and in understanding unto a brighter future. Thank you for reading and comments/contributions are welcomed.
This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 140 edition 03 on "Parents and discipline" Thumbnail designed using Canva.
Discipline must be instilled in our children in a moldable way, their characteristics and the culture in which we are inserted. I liked your post
True 💯👌
I agree with you
Thanks so much for your comments and for liking this post.
Celebrate you 👏
Many factors for a fact affect the discipline we give me our children honestly and that's why we should also try to make ourselves available for our children and open so that they can always confided In us of things that happened even when we weren't there and like you said, indeed, the end game to for the child to be disciplined.
Nice post
True 👌
You have spoken well 💯
Good family time is very important in instilling confidence and discipline.
You have made valid points here ✅
Thanks for your valuable contributions.
I celebrate you 👏
You're welcome
In as much we try to discipline our children, there should be a balancing in it first approaching them with love and any other mediums we deemed it fit to correct them but not to harshly.
True 💯
You are very correct 👌
Thanks for this awesome contribution 👌