Get To Know Me: My Introduction Post
Hey everyone!
How are we all doing?
As someone who is new here (even thou this isn't my very first post), I believe it will be cool to introduce myself to you all officially. We meet new people every day via different means, and who knows? This could help foster genuine relations beyond the hive space. That's how true friendships begin, you know.
Now To My Introduction Proper
My name is Odinaka Agunwenyi, king odi in short. I hail from Oji river local government area of Enugu state, Nigeria; a graduate of Human physiology, from the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
Me in a selfie
I am the first child of my family, with five siblings (we are six); born on May 3. I currently reside in Katsina where I did my mandatory one year national service in 2023. I lived most of my life in a town called Abaji, where I was born. For those who might not know, Abaji is one of the six area councils in the capital city of Abuja, Nigeria.
Abaji gave me an engaging/challenging childhood experience. The environment and its people really helped shape the world views I now hold as an adult. I will share some of my experiences here someday, hopefully.
I got in to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2017. Graduated in 2023 instead of 2021. The delay in graduation was due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Me and a friend
While in medical school, writing was something I enjoyed and still enjoy doing, and would love to fully explore at every given opportunity. Before now, I had written short fictional stories, articles, and so on.
My other hobbies aside writing include: learning new dishes, listening to music, teaching, hanging out with friends and family, traveling to mention but a few. I also love meditation. With my list of hobbies, I feel this is the right platform to make the best out of the things I naturally love doing, since there are different communities where they fit in well. I already love what some of the communities I've come across (e.g the vibes community) are doing - bringing vibes to web 3 and exploring great talents - something that really resonates with me. I think that's why I'm doing my intro here.
I am a graphics designer who does graphics and printings of different forms; I am also a web3 enthusiast who is still improving on, and mastering the dynamic web3 space. Currently learning forex (trying to master charts/patterns and making some good bucks from it) - something I love too!
How I got to know about
I got to know about the platform from a good writer friend and a former neighbour, @churchangel who has been in the business of writing for a while now.
From the time spent here so far, and the activities seen, I believe this is a platform where talents can be harnessed and improved, with the right support. I also believe I have something positive to offer here as much as lies the ability in me.
In this space, I look forward to connecting with people with similar or different worldviews, create interesting engagements, interact with the big guys in the space, and make my little contributions of impacting people and society through the write-ups I will post here.
Without much ado, and beyond being just a reader, we can start the journey of making our community and hive at large greater than we met it. I sincerely anticipate your involvement with impacting write-ups, ideas and contributions from my desk. I believe you now know something about me you can tell someone. Love you all!
Your entry is very early, week 29 has not yet started until last week's winners are announced
So sorry about that. I wasn't aware. Correction is noted.