Wealth principle & Jews philosophy

Wealth is very important in someone's life, what is wealth? According to Oxford dictionary, it defines Wealth as having a large amount of money, properties etc that person or country owns.

My case study will be on the Jews, their believe on money and the reason why they are wealthy. Jews people are Israelite and they are one of the most successful people in the world today.

The reasons why Jews are wealthy which we can learn from

  1. Jewish people practice Judaism which make them to believe that poverty is not synonymous to religion. Judaism is a Jewish religion, their mentality was that as a Jews for you not to have money have a question mark.

They believe that Judaism reject poverty, not to have money is a taboo, it is a sin. So if you don't have money as a Jews they will question you, that should be our mentality as well

2.RELEVANCE: anywhere Jews find themselves, they are always relevant, they always meet the needs of the land they find themselves.somebody like Joseph bringing solution to the famine in Egypt, Daniel etc.always bringing solution to the problems of people,that Will bring wealth & put someone to the top position in life

3.EDUCATION: the Jews people were educated, that makes them not to be ignorant. get educated, deal with ignorance, when you say that education is expensive, then try ignorant. Education brings light to something.

Be a reader, when you are a reader you will be wise and when you are wise you will be rich.provided you practice what you have read. It's one thing to read, it's another thing to practice what you have read in the book, it's two different things.

  1. NETWORKING: they network themselves to succeed.they interact with themselves, exchange information and they develop professional and social contact. They didn't hide vital information that will be of benefits to themselves alone, they share it with one another

They always network themselves to succeed, they build relationships with people because they believe that people are the real wealth, our relationship relationship with people is directly proportional to our been wealthy in life

5.TRUTHFULNESS: they were faithful in thier dealing with people, they have good business statistics, their yes is yes, and no is no. They follow ethic. Successful people don't relate with scammer. To be wealthy in life one must be trustworthy. A lier, somebody that is not trustworthy might be flourishing for some time, but at the long-run, they will vanished away.

6.MONEY VALUABLE: one must value money for you to be wealthy in life, the Jews people don't waste money, they leave on budget,they don't just spend anyhow. One cannot be spending anyhow & be wealthy, one must cultivate the habit of savings. If you don't save(set aside) you are not save(in danger). You save portion of the money coming to your hand for future investment.

7.MULTIPLE SOURCE OF INCOME:for you to be call a wealthy person, one must have at least four sources of income, invest in many things, with that you can be called a wealthy person

8.LUCRATVE BUSINESS: The Jews people always go for lucrative business, they don't just do anyhow business that doesn't give money or that doesn't have profit. One must go for business that is lucrative, that brings more profit on to your hands.

  1. The Jews people always look at their past to guide their future. As someone that wants to be wealthy, we must not neglect whatever happens to us in the past, whatever happens to us in the past should serve as an experience for us in other to improve on our future.

Mistakes are bound to happen to every one in business or any career we do, but move to the past & learn from that mistakes to make an amendment. Those are the philosophy of the Jews that when apply to our lives will makes us to be wealthy
