
What is commitment? Commitment is willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise of a firm decisions to do something.

Commitment brings about best results, any where there is result, somebody is committed doing something, a life without commitment will end up in frustration, disappointment, failure, regrets, and all sort of bad things.

Commitment is not optional, it is either you do it or you fail

There are a lot of things we can be committed to, but I will just lay emphasis on three which are

  1. Education
  2. Education: This area focus more on a student, as a student you have to study hard & read for you to be outstanding. Necessity is laid on a student to pass an examination.

The teacher teaches student with the same time, the same classroom but a committed student will be outstanding because after the teaching, he or she went ahead to study hard of what was being taught.

With that when the results of examination comes such a student will come out with outstanding result because he had devoted his time to study, making research of what was being taught, compare with the students that doesn't study or read for the exam, the different will be clear.

A student that is not committed to their studies, thinking that nobody is there with him or her, jumping from one party to the other, one night club to the other, he or she will see the results at the end of the examination, the result will be rustication from the school.

  1. CAREER: you must be committed to your career, it is very important, if you want to be distinguished among your mate, it is your commitment towards the work you are doing that will single you out for success.

When your career/ work becomes task to you, all your senses will come alive, you need absolute focus on your career for you to be outstanding. When you are truly committed to your work, you will be creative. When you are creative, you becomes productive , this will bring success.

Do not give your career/ work casual approach for this will result to frustration, failure, disappointment, name it. Pay the price for greatness which is commitment

As an athlete, you must be committed to your career by watching the kind of food you take, check your weight, diet, etc
As a businessman focus on your customer, your co workers, as a trader, be committed to selling, in other words anything that you are doing, be committed to it, as you committed to it, you will do it better & have better results than the rest.

  1. MARRIAGE: Husband & wife must be committed to Thier marriage because of the future of Their children. Challenges come to every home in different areas, but what makes it difference is the level of commitment & wisdom.

Everytime there is crisis in marriage, wisdom is missing & someone is not committed, and what you are not committed to will not produce result, don't just admired successful marriage & family, you have to work for it.

For example in marriage, husband & wife should not revealed their shortcomings to those that are not capable to solve it, because they will give you wrong advice, disclose it to others & make a mockery of you, in other words, do not discuss your problem with somebody who does not have capacity to give you right counsel

As a husband you must give your family attention, have time for them and vice versa. Parents must be committed by making their children to succeed, by giving them proper education, both moral, & sound education, teach them essential skills. With that you have outstanding result.
Remember, The quality of your "COMMITMENT" determines the magnitude of your impact in life
