Learn To Choose Your Battles


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Growing up in an environment become family battles become us had become the other day, growing up in an environment where we take up our family wars because we were born into such wars

Growing up in an environment where our neighbours practically become our enemies and even their generations too.

Growing up in a society where diversity of culture has brought hatred, between two best friends. Growing up in a society people's hatred for other people's culture has taken the order of the day.

We wake up each day fighting battles we know nothing that, inherited battles which could even be coming from the generation lines of my grandmothers and grandfathers.

We wake up each day fighting the battles of our parents because we see our parents in wars with the next neighbours or one of our relatives, we go into wars with them too and the cycle wagering on and on.

We wage war, we are always in front of battles we know nothing point because we grew up in the war, and we believe we are supposed to fight the wars too. We end up not knowing our battles and battles that t even ours because we feel every battle we were born into is ours.

We have fought countless battles, and we have wrestled with countless demons since we were born. We have lived in havoc and chaos and do not even know the true definition of peace anymore. We are so used to the battles that it doesn't bother us anymore if we are putting our lives on hold to fight battles that are not ours.

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We compete over things that do not even count, we fight our parent's battles, we fight ethnic and tribal battles, battles we do not know anything about and have become enemies and we are enemies to people we do not even need to.

Our parents teach us how to attack, they give us weapons to fight our enemies, they teach us revenge, and at the end of the day, we lose so much in a bid trying to fight battles we know extremely nothing about, battles that aren't our concerns.

Our parents have been on these battles for years and then they pass the battles to us even before they had us. Now we keep fighting each other destroying our lives in the process. The rivalry, hatred d, jealousy, bitterness, and anger continues.

Let us all earn to drop our weapons because we all see the beginning of a battle but no one can tell where it will end. Whatever we choose to do in life, never take up the battles of others, learn to choose your battles.


This is very deep and you are right, it is time we grow up and abandon the old tradition of inheriting battles. Everyone deserves a life and allowing the past of our fathers and forefathers to hold us down isn't a good thing to do.


If I may ask; did you write this out of a personal experience, or it's only fictional?

Also, kindly check your first sentence, I couldn't tell what to read of it in the beginning...
