When Miracles Happen: A Personal Testimony
Everything happens for a reason, some people believe in coincidence but I know miracles happen and I believe in it because I am living testimony.
Some years ago, my mummy was very ill and she was diagnosed with diabetes, this period was so worrisome and my mother's BP was very high because she was always thinking and crying, we started finding a solution to this illness, moving from one hospital to the other, buying different types of drugs but this does not change anything.
My mother nearly gave up but seeing us around her made her strong, she was sick and admitted to the hospital, and the doctor called us one day and said they had to amputate my mother's legs because that was the only way to treat her better and the more they leave the legs the more it will get worsen, I looked at my siblings and we started crying and this was the time we expected a miracle to happen.
It was a thug of war for my mother and her soul, all hope was lost and no place to run to again, my siblings thought getting my mother's legs amputated would be the only solution to save her from the pain she was going through, though the mean the best for her because the agony and pain was much for everyone not only our mother.
Seeing my mother crying and lamenting every second weak me that I only requested one thing from God, I cried and prayed to God because that was my only and last hope, my mother is a prayer worrier and at this junction, I joined my faith with her own and we prayed as if heaven will fall.
My eldest brother does not believe in miracles because he was furious at my decision and said the pain our mother was going through was too much, amputating the legs would bring relief to her but I disagreed, I did not want to see my mother on a wheelchair for the rest of her life.
I have never seen myself so determined like the way it was that year, we lost our father not too long and this sickness came from nowhere to take my precious mother away too, I fasted and prayed for my mother, I had the courage and the doctor said if we can not agree for the surgery then they have to discharge our mother, out of nowhere I said they should discharge her.
My mother was discharged from the hospital and she was on a wheelchair for months, I kept on praying and my mother too, we always crying and calling on God for a miracle, a miracle happened but it was a gradual process, the first thing I noticed was if my mother used the toilet insects will always gather in the toilet, I mean this sugar insect will fill the toilet but gradual it started to decrease, it is still coming but not as before.
After months I noticed that my mother started walking gradually without using her wheelchair or crutches, I know things are getting better, but I never relent in prayer, I am a believer but my prayer life is never too strong but seeing my mother in between life and death gear me up and became stronger because I could not afford to lose my mother, she is everything I have and losing her will make me lose focus on myself.
My mother recovered fully after a year and there is no more sign of diabetes in her body system, she started walking freely and we went back to the hospital for a check, the doctor was so amazed and said my mother was healed, he asked us what we did and I responded that God heals though she always used her drugs but it was a miracle, the doctor said he hasn't seen something like that in his life, my mother was free from diabetes without amputating her legs despite what the x-ray showed us, my mother had a wound which makes the doctor suggested amputating the legs but now nothing like that again, she is back to normal and this is a miracle indeed.
Miracle is real and this is not the only time I experienced miracles but this is the one that moved me and brought me closer to God.
This is my response to day 6 of #septemberinleo of inleo daily prompt. If you wish to join the daily prompt then click on this link
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A beautiful testimony here. A great piece.
Thank you dear
This was so heartbreaking as well as exciting to read. I believe that yours, as much as the faith of your mother made all things well. Im happy about this.
I'm super happy when she came back to normal, it was indeed a miracle
Glory to Jesus Christ the son of a living God. For us who believe in His miracles, this our greater portion of the story. Thank God for mum's health Jesus miracle who we believe in did it. Your mother's faith brought it to manifest.
It is always good to join faith with everything we are doing or trusting God for, my mother's faith made her whole and come back to life again, I believe in miracles and I am a living testimony. Thank you for your support
What happened to your mother was indeed a miracle, I also believe in miracles, our lives alone are a miracle because it isn't easy living every day and the privilege we have to be alive is the greatest miracle.
Waking up every day is a miracle, we human beings are ungrateful for life because people are lying down in the hospital asking for healing and some people will open their mouths to say there is no miracle, I am a living testimony of miracle. Thank you for your support
This indeed is a good tiding and I pray the miracle is perfected. Beyond the natural lies supernatural, beyond the physical lies the unseen and powerful. You all prayed and God came through as you held on to faithfaith
It all ended in praise though I was skeptical at first but seeing my mother groaning made me believe that God can heal her. Thank you for your support
Thank God