Savoring the Flavor of Family Time

If you have a lovely family then be grateful to God, there is nothing more awesome than having people who are always there to have your back if things go sour for you, the importance of family can never be overemphasized.

I am always happy because of the kind of family I have, my Family relationships are built on love, trust, and support, they also offer a source of comfort and security. My siblings and I share a special bond that is so unique.


I am so glad that I am not the only child of my parents because this world would have been a boring place without my siblings, how would I exist been an only child without the support of people I am getting today and people who always make me feel special as if I am more than this.

One of the family activities I enjoy most is cooking together, my mother was once a chef, and she always cooks for people, so anytime she wants to cook we are always around her learning one or two things. Cooking has been part of my hobbies which I do every time without complaint.

This picture is mine

I have some lazy siblings who prefer to wash and iron clothes than to stay in the kitchen but my mother never gives room for dictation when it comes to cooking, everyone must be present even the men among us, it may seem awkward at first but we always enjoy the fun, especially during the Christmas festival.

We all know that Christmas is a season where we all come together to celebrate as one family, every Christmas period, all my siblings with my distant cousins will all come to our house to celebrate the season with us, so this always makes cooking so fun for me.

During Christmas we always travel to the village to celebrate the season, we always have a full house and different activities going on in the house, to make everything easier in the house, my mother will always share chores for everyone so that no one will feel the weight while some will enjoy being lazy all through.

I am always in the kitchen cooking the meals for everybody, since I am the chef of the house I always take a larger portion with lots of meat, I love to eat meat, so no one can query me for that because that is my department. I love it when my siblings beg me for more meat or food because I will always give small portion to anyone who doesn't show up to help me while cooking and my mother will never say anything she will even support me.

I always feel on top of the world anytime I am serving food, you will hear my siblings complain about what I give them and how small their meats are, this is always fun because they have a way of getting back at me, I love the way we play whenever I'm cooking, the way we gist, always tells stories and also remember past funny incidents to crack everyone up even mimicking our parents.

One thing I don't like is missing the Christmas celebration with my family in the village, we always plan ahead of the month so that everyone will be present, nobody likes to miss the fun and the activities, the way we play games like Ludo, Whot and so on.

Having time together as a family is one big favor my parents did for us and this has been helping my siblings who already have their families, love runs in their families and I am sure this will help me to build my family when the time comes.

This is my entry for day 23 of #augustinleo of Inleo community daily prompt. If you wish to join the daily prompt you can click this link

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Family is everything and I am also grateful for the kind of family I have. Having siblings make it more fun too and also, there is no dictation when it comes to doing major tasks in the home like cooking, taking care of the house etc, everyone must partake in it.


It's always a beautiful feeling to celebrate with our families. Nothing beats that feeling.

Came in from dreemport.


I like cooking too but I prefer doing the dishes, lol.
