No Limits to Success: Why Earning Caps Are Unnecessary
There shouldn't be a limit to what a person can earn since the person isn't a lazy fellow, we always work hard to overcome poverty not to rub it on other's faces, working hard can never limit what a person earns unless we only want to limit ourselves or work under someone.
Working for yourself can never limit your income, the more you work the more you earn not the other way round, working under someone is just a way of helping such a person but having your business can always bring fortune and progress in as much you put in your effort to have the best.
For example, Elon Musk is the owner of Twitter, he is one of the richest men in the world, and he never stops making money, do we know how many people subscribe to Twitter in a day not to talk of people posting and making cool money on it, even without working he is making his money effortlessly, it doesn't have to work 24 hours in a day and money is flowing in his account, can this person have a limit, what if we put limit on what people earn, are we sure that some people will meet up till they leave the world.
Putting limits on what people earn can make so many people relax and never fight for more but now we all hunger to make more income rather than to sit and never make progress, putting limits to what people earn is like killing people's motivation and morale.
Let people work and make more money and plan their lives, no opportunity should be wasted, if there should be a limit on what people earn then everyone is equal, no one will be richer than the other, all those people doing menial jobs can no longer do that again because everyone is already equal.
I will never support putting a limit to what a person earns, it is no one's business on what you do, and how you make your money, in as much isn't ungodly, we are in a world of freedom, we have the freedom to do everything and no one can stop me from making progress, I have never seen any rich person satisfy with what they have, for instance Nigerian politicians, they always longer for more, embezzle more money and they prefer to bury the money and allow it to rot away, so I have never come across anyone in my life that ever say he or she is okay with what they have without working more to earn more.
Investment is another way of making more money, even without working, if you invest the small you have then it will amount to something later in the future, no one can put a limit to this unless we are ready to lose everything, let's continue with this current system, we all know that all fingers are not equal even God makes our finger longer than each other so that is formula of life, some people are meant to be richer while some are meant to belong to the average class while others are meant to belong to the last class, that was how God created us.
This is my response to hivelearners community prompt of #hl-w128e2 which the topic is tagged MAXIMUM EARNINGS
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
You have said rightly. We all have rights and freedom to making money and being wealthy. There shouldn't be limit to how much we make provided we aren't lazy and are working hard to make the best of ourselves.
The likes of Elon Musk will make you want to agree with setting a limit to one's earning, how can one man have all that money 😂? I still don't want it sha, because I have not had mine.
You are absolutely right because there is no need for an earning cap. It is also very important that a person should earn less according to his scale because there are many people who do school-like work but their earnings are not according to that, so according to me, more attention should be paid to this thing that every person should get at least so much income so that he can meet his daily living expenses.
Very well said👍
Truly there shouldn't be a limit to what people earn, money no dey belleful person 😁
Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife
Investment is a cool way of making money just that it comes with a lot of risks. Imagine you relaxing whiles your money works for you.
When you own your business you will always have increased income unlike salary that is being counted and it never enough, but sometimes is not easy to start a business.