The Unique girl child.
Hello readers.
The girl child is a special and unique person, which holds promise and hope, goals and desires. A girl child right from childhood period posessses a unique strength and capacity too. A girl child is able to socialize in her environment, she gets the insight to do this because of her flexibility.
However, some times parents, close relations and the society chase out these potentials by what the Society believes in just to favor boys. In so many cultures, even presently today, the girls are considered unimportant or of less importance than the boy child, and because of this, they don't give them access to any good thing. Things like education, health care, leadership among other things. If we truly we believe in the potentials of a girl child and want to celebrate them, the first and right step is to be willing to go all out to stop anything that hinders the progress or oppresses the girl child.
When my parents died and left me so young and naive to take care of my very little sisters, the press for ever supporting and celebrating the girl child started there. The girl child is a whole lot. I saw my sisters become great women already, even with how very tiny they were. I made sure that with everything I had in me, I must make it possible for my sister's to be educated. Education provides hope and determines the kind of future the girl child is going to have. Girls are supposed to be provided with the same chance as the boy to be able to access the good things of life. Quality education being the most important, the girl child sometimes tends to do better both academically and socially.0 If a girl is educated she will be able to fight for her rights, follow her dreams, and be a big benefit to her society.
Apart from education being able to expose the child academically and socially, education helps in the development of the girl child and also with regard to health and welfare. The body oof the girl child are always prone to certain health issues, especially when they are getting to puberty, their body starts yo open and they need to be addressed on what to do. Teaching them health about their reproductive system and this also helps them in being able to make a good decisions that won't affect their bodies and their future. The girl child have equal rights and also every right of how to enjoy her health.
The girl child is creative. In arts, sports, writing and even music. There's always a vibe girls bring when participating in activities like the mentioned ones above. As a teacher, I see them display their experiences in many ways and trust me, the creativity from them is always top notch. They are always so confident.
The family can not be excluded because they also have a role to play in this. To give them this worthy experience and not only the family is saddled with the responsibility of the girl child, the community too. The environment determines the way they'll reason and see things. Families and communities should always go all out to support the girl child to achieve the best they can.
That girl child needs to give that energy, that girl child needs to be heard, seen and empowered. Their voices needs to be heard, they need education, health care, acknowledgement, everything you could think of. Saving them from the devouring eyes of the demons out there. Its something of pride to value the girl child because by doing so we are not only building her future but the future of our societies.
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