We Need Each Other To Survive
Creation was not just about making things exist but it was about relating things. When people use the term creation in the context of the creation of something that didn’t exist before we tend to think of it in terms of creation out of nothing. But in reality, creation is much more than what has been described here.
At the very creation of the world it was not just a process of making the earth, the sky, people, and all the other living beings. It was about the connection between the one who made something or someone, and what he/she made. God made the world as love and in order to bring love down into the world so that He could have communion with His creatures.
But creation as relationship is not only spiritual or religious in nature. In our day to day existence we are in a process of carrying out and building relations with people and objects. It is not like preparing food in a restaurant to be served to the customers, but preparing a food for the family members that binds a family through sharing a food and satisfying the hunger. When we make arts, it is more than making a work of art but also creating a link to the viewer who in turn will decipher and embrace the art.
Creation is not just about making things being into existence, but has so much more meaning to it. It is all about people: the connections, the ability to build and sustain intimacy and cultivate love and care. When we come to creation with such perspective we are in a good position to value the creation and learn to understand the type of relational matrix that accompanies creations.
Let's love one another
Let's help one another
Let's live together in peace ans harmony