The More We Do A Thing, The Better We Become At It


Illustration was something I have always appreciated but never for a moment considered a possibility for me. But one day I said to myself that enough is enough, and I would begin learning from the scratch. I sketched along with the tutorials, I read books on the subject, and I sketched each day hoping to become better.


Initially, my attempts could be hardly called perfect. They seemed unprofessional, and most importantly seemed to be very shallow. Some times I was wrong; instead of allowing this to get me down, I turned my failures into lessons. I researched other artists and works to draw from, I looked into what techniques can be used and I took everyone’s opinions into consideration and added it to my skills.

The more I kept on learning that skill and applying it, I started realizing improvements in my work. From these reflections my lines became smoother, my shaping of the outline curter and my shadows more realistic. This is how the caricaturing took time but I realized that the improvement on the subsequent drawings was improving each time.

Currently after several weeks and months of practice, I can now say that I am not a bad drawer anymore. I still need to go a long way and that is why I have realized that learning is a progressive activity. But I know that I’ve at least come really far and I am really keen to see how much more I can go.

Knowledge is continuous and it is a progressive process. Whether you are taking the course in art and you are learning to draw, playing an instrument, cooking, or doing any other skill, the more you practice the skill and the more you learn, the better you become. That is why it is necessary not to fear when the project starts all over and it is right to accept the process of studying and getting better. Who could have thought that it could lead you there one day.
