Renewing Your Mind


The society today is surrounded with a lot of changes and at times it becomes quite challenging to know what is in store for us. It is possible to get the feeling that almost everything that happens to us is not within our control, but simply THINGs. It is not possible to control the constantly changing world surrounding us while, on the other hand, the ways we can choose to respond to the changes, are entirely in our hands?


That changing is inevitable is true indeed, but that does not mean that we cannot live through it and even thrive, but if only we can renew our mind from time to time. Having renewal of our mind means that we have to change our way of thinking and outlook in life and the everyday experiences in order to be able to effectively manage the changing environments.

reformation of the mind means that we reject those patterns of thinking and beliefs that are inapplicable in the current society, in favor of other different patterns of thinking that would enable us cope with the change. This may refer to actions such as overcoming self tenants, listing, and exploring

When we renewed our minds we have the capacity to look at change as positive process in which we grow rather than the negative one that we should fight. Rather than being threatened, threatened by the unknown or give up, we can adopt courage in the face of the unknown.

It is common to tend to stay in the spirit of negativity when things are uncertain; however, this needs to be changed because we can decide how to react to certain occurrences and choose to be positive. The problem is the world is constantly evolving and so as it stands we as a race are ready for it when it comes by embracing it in a mindset that’s ready to be challenged and transform. Transforming our minds is not necessarily going to replace the things that we go through, yet it will definitely change the way in which we go through them.
