Meet Max My Loyal Friend


What an amazing day today is. Today is World Dog Day which is a day devoted to everybody’s favorite companions, the lovable pets, our dogs. When I gaze into my pet dog Max’s eyes, I find myself unable to express enough thanks for his loyal friend and companionship that he gives me daily.

I decided to put Max up for adoption three years ago and I got him from the nearby shelter and it has been the best decision of my life. At first, he was a very shy dog up to the time I picked him from the pound and within a very short span of time, he was the most playful and lovable dog. Since then he became my shoulder to cry on, and my source of joy in whatever position I have embraced in life.


I do not consider him as just a dog; he is part of my family just like anyone of us here. Every time I arrive home, he will welcome me with wagging his tail and licks me and it lifts my spirit up you don’t know. He always tends to lift the burden off my face, despite the struggling day that I’ve had.

That time endured in my memory when I took the first time Max to the park. He would jog and scamper all over the place without stopping chasing birds and squirrels with so much enthusiasm. It was greatest joy of my life, to see him being himself, being happy, and enjoying every part of life. At that instant I drew a realization that I was among the luckiest people to be with such a man.

I have learnt a lot of things from Max particularly love and loyalty. He has taught me so much what love really means, he stands by your side regardless the situation. His company is one that has provided me comfort and someone who I can relate with as he stays with me when no else is around.

As much as I share posts on this special day of the year referred to as World Dog Day, I certainly must admit that I have benefited a lot from this incredible friend called Max. For all that he has been to me joy, laughter and love I must thank you for the friendship that we have shared. I also have to use this day to raise awareness of my loved one and all the other fantastic dogs which exist in this world and who make people happy.

This is why, while serving him a little more food the next day and paying him more attention, and cuddling with him throughout the day, I am content to have him in my life. For him I can say that he is my best buddy as well as my friend that I can trust and who always gives me love. For this I am grateful that we have a chance to spend time together, and for every day we build new and wonderful memories.

Here’s to you, Max and every other dog that helps to warm up, to brighten up and to make up our world. Happy World Dog Day. May we keep on embracing and appreciating the pure unadulterated love and company of those little creatures give us each and every day.
