Helpful Tips To Grow In Hive


Hello everyone,
Just recently I have some of my friends joining the hive blockchain and I thought it wise to make a post that will serve as a guide for them to scale through as newbies as the journey through Hive. Hey guys @ubdan, @valblesza, @previousgold and every other newbie in the blockchain this is for you all.

Hive blockchain has been a blessing to as many lives that has been consistent in the platform and I am a living witness to this testimony, the rate at which this ecosystem has been a blessing to many is so numerous, but yet still there are people who still find it difficult to excel in the platform. Well I won’t really blame them for that because a great number of them don’t really know how the platform works. They should have been educated and enlightened about the basics of Hive before onboarding them. But that notwithstanding they are already a part of the system they just have to learn from others and ask questions where they don’t understand.

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Some many of us would have been just like them if we didn’t have people who were ready and decided to teach and guided us through and then we ourselves were open to learning, and growth because some people fail here because they were not open to learn new things, they find it bulky and difficult so they quitted, the platform looks so difficult to navigate but with open mind you will get to understand because in life we learn every day and with an open mind that’s the only way we grow.

Basics tips to thrive in Hive.


The number rule of hive blockchain every newbie should have at the back of their mind is no plagiarism, irrespective of the community to which you decide to belong this rule is applied there, there isn't an expectation, As a newbie this should always be at the back of your mind, you should try to
always create original content and also make use of original photos. In the case where you are not making used of your original photos or you are quoting someone’s work you must give proper reference to the suite you copied the work from and the process of doing that is called sourcing meaning you have given credit to the original owner of the work or else you will be consider as a thief who is in to milk the hive system.

Good Engagement.

As a newbie, even those who have been in the system for a long time now the first thing that will enhance your speed and growth is quality engagement. NOTE making quality is not just one line of comment or emoji but something meaning that will cause an interaction with other people. This means you have to read other peoples' entries before you can make a comment. So many times I have been privileged to sit under my mentor. He will always tell me that the best way to gain visibility is to be actively engaging the platform. He has told me his story of how he has been able to make it to the top and it’s all about engagement and consistency. People will only get to know you when you become active and have been giving them your support then they will want to support you back, you can’t just come to hive and expect people who have been here to search for you and give you their support no way, you have to gain that visibility by building the relationship and you can only do that by making comment on their post, voting and reblogging their post no matter how small you voting value maybe that’s your own way of supporting them. There are so many people who get support daily because of the engagement. If you want to gain support you must engage.

Using the Right Tags

Tags in hive is just a short form of the word hashtags, just like other social media platforms the tags you use is depended on the kind of post your making and the community you are posting to and your audience as well, as a newbie it is advisable to read about any community you are about to post in also look at the tags other people are using. The many benefits of using the right tags are so numerous that no one would like to miss out. Using the right tags gives your post the maximum visibility to curators and other members to curate. And also you stand the chance to earn some of the second layer tokens for free when you make use of the right tags. For example if you use the tag #inleo you will earn some leo tokens for free, using #neoxian as tag gives you some neoxag toke for free, the same goes for #cent, #proofofbrain, #alive, #wiavio etc.

Join a community contest.

As a newbie you may be running out of ideas to create content, don’t worry there are some good communities in hive that are designed to help newbies write and grow let me quickly refer you to this the name tells it all #HiveLearners Community. You can subscribe to this community and start learning and also get rewarded in crypto even as a learner. Apart from this community there are quite a good number of communities in hive that runs contest to help their member some are daily, weekly and while some are monthly they includes; #Hiveghana, #Hivenaija, #Theinkwell, #emotions&feelings, #marketfriday, #ecency, #shadowhunters etc.

Good And Quality Content.

Finally as a newbie good and quality content gives you a good and better edge towards growth in hive blockchain, curators and big whales on hive will mostly give their support to good and quality content and your content includes the quality of your photos too. Whatever you are writing about quality is expected.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you so much for delivery this poetiential content, it really encouraging and direct to the point of anyone who wants to build a success grand in the hive Community, once again thank you.
