Coping With Inflation


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog and to another edition of The Hive learners weekly contest. It is my pleasure to share with you my own idea concerning this topic of inflation.

I have not been to other countries, only stayed in Nigeria and what I have experienced so far is that when the price of a thing increases doesn't come down, it keeps increasing and increasing.


When I was a little girl I do hear my grandma complaining about the sudden Increase in price of things and not just the increase in price how the quantity and quality of those things are reducing with time I didn't really understand what she meant by then but growing up as a child I discovered that everyday the price of things increase and the quality is dropping and I'm wondering why.
If the price of a goods should increase then the quality and the quantity of that gross shouldn't drop. I don't know why the price of full stops other items increased but the quantity and quality will reduce. People wasn't the case the value of our naira is detolerating everyday so you go to the market with 10,000 naira you can't even get something meaningful you will even be surprised if they collected the money from you you check your bag and low and behold all the things you got was in the 10000 naira so now you have to either reduce the things you're buying or you top up your money.


Last week a friend of mine was showing at least of Dubai with me he was complaining that the money she has is not enough and I was asking her to reduce the things she wants to buy and she's keep complaining that she has reduced the to the lowest point of reduction but yes still money was not enough buying those things and I had to ask her to send me the screenshot of what she's getting and be Frank all the things she listed was very small but yet you need big money to buy those things.

How do I cope?

Reduction method

Well if this has happened while I was with my parents would have been a different case entirely because then I didn't really understand what it means to survive I didn't know how to make money and how to spend money all I do is to eat and ask for money getting to leave alone here in school I understand life better so the best way to survive in inflation is to reduce your test yeah everybody has ideas we want the best things and all those things that you drink that if you don't have money in that can get you all those things or you need to do is to reduce your test if you like eating a very nice meal and your money is not enough to get all those things in the milk you can reduce them and still make a nice meal.

Double my hustle

Before now to get a bag of sachet water was #150 but now it #250 and a lot of things are just increasing, infact I have not seen anything that has not increase in price in the past ten years now everything even those things we thought has no value has also increase, the sad thing is the value of our money has not increase, the employment Opportunities has not either so people are just struggling and complaining up and down. For me I choose not to complain but rather move, I double my hustle yes, most time the reason why we have to work hard is so we can pay some bills and not wait for our parents this has been my way of survival.

thank for reading.


Effect method, the doubling your hustle part. It just meant as things got harder, so did you, you adapted, nice one


We didn't understand the realities of things when we were still leaving with out parents because all we do is to just eat and collect money from them. But just like you, I have learnt how to cope after staying alone in the university for some years, the tips you talked about are also some of the ways I cope with this inflation


Reduction method helps a lot, removing and cutting down expenses can help one escape inflation.


I like your attitude. Buckle down. Reduce expenses and work harder.

However there comes a point where you can't work any harder and you can't reduce any less and that's when the true difficulty comes. Personally I like to find creative ways to get the most value for the least money. Milk is expensive? How can I get cheaper milk. Is there an alternative to milk? Beef too expensive? What can I use instead of beef. Transportation too expensive? Can I walk? Can I bike? Scooter? Carpool?

Inflation is making life tough on everyone. Hope you cope well :)


Thanks so much Iike your idea if coping
