None of us Can Avoid Risk


Life can get unpredictable and the way things are building around we think that life would get linear and the way we want it to happen. But that is not how the life is going to be and we tend to take less risk which is another fall we have in the life in general.

Sometimes we don't take risks at all and some of the time we take risks and procrastinate and keep things for the future. So we tend to avoid the risk in this approach and we tend to have more drama in our mind due to the same. So we have to fix that part of the life as well.

So if you are young and reading this know that no matter which easy route you take you are going to be taking risk. You just don't know that yet and you are just stalling in time to face the grand theater of your life.

Take an example, you want to travel overseas and you have money too but you are trying to push it ahead and that is because you are supposed to build your products and services and only that would be something you would tend to ignore and move to other areas of the life. This is going to hurt you as a risk.

You have to learn to travel and learn to move ahead. This way you would not be building more regret in your mind. Something like this you have to learn to make better choices and also this way you would not avoid risk and build the right set of the sentiments as well. So this would make and break the mindset that moves most of the people ahead.

So if you wish to be in better position and not locked into dreams and the prison of the limitations and that is something we have to keep pushing. We have to keep taking risk for better tomorrow. And when we do that maybe just maybe we get a chance for life where we have few minutes of safety and silence that makes us feel we lived.
