It is no shame to accept your reality, especially when it comes to low self-esteem. For me, that is the first step to take if one wants to overcome low self-esteem: accepting reality. Given it's nature, it is in fact very easy to mistake low self-esteem for humility or gentleness, but they are never the same. Once it creeps in, negativity becomes dominant, confidence fades and the possibility of growth will certainly be limited.


To break free from the chains of low self-esteem, one must first identify its root causes and then make efforts to overcome them.


CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES: So many things could bring about low self-esteem in the childhood stage, but proper parental care and guidance could go a long in taming some of these things. Events such as emotional and physical abuse, neglect, and poverty can cause children lasting damage that may lead to low self-esteem. On the other hand, positive childhood experience can foster self-esteem. To a great extent, parents hold the key to preventing low self-esteem. They must do everything possible to ensure positive childhood experiences.

PAST MISTAKES AND FAILURES: Dwelling in one's mistake is very dangerous as it can cause someone to suffer immensely in the hands of low self-esteem. Thinking about our mistake can result to fear of failure, negative self-thought or even self-doubt. With these factors at play, one is held back by the fear of failing again, questioning their own ability.

SOCIAL MEDIA COMPARISON: This one is particularly relevant to our generation. In their social media activities, many are likely to compare themselves to the curated highlight reels of others. If you identify with this category, you likely suffer from low self-esteem and should seek a solution promptly.

NEGATIVE SELF-TALK: This one is sometimes caused by some of the factors that have already been mentioned above; I consider it the hallmark of low self-esteem. If one is able to conquer speaking negatively to him/herself, the problem of low self-esteem is almost eradicated.


As I have already stated, If one can overcome negative self-talk, the problem of low self-esteem is largely alleviated. In the words of my friend @marsdave, it (low self-esteem) is like a bad neighbour who always come around with negatively. It tells us that we cannot do it, therefore limiting our capabilities causing us to think less of ourselves. All we need to do is challenge it, shut our doors on it, tell ourselves we can overcome it, and take actions.

Another thing we must practice if low self-esteem must be gotten rid of is self compassion and care. As much as possible, undergo some physical activities that will enrich and nourish the body. Practice mindful meditations and engage in creative activities that brings you joy. These activities should most likely be hobbies. Treat yourself with kindness understanding and patience, and always believe in yourself.


It all begins with realising that you have a problem. It is the case that so many who are struggling with low self-esteem do not realise that there is something wrong. In some cases, they consider it their nature; in other cases, it is seen as mere humility. You must first come in terms with the fact that you have a problem called low self-esteem, after then would you be able to seek for a solution. If you have read this post, you have likely realized whether you are struggling with low self-esteem. It is simply, begin by replacing all the negativity with positivity. You can do it💪!


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I love how you mentioned and emphasize that accepting reality is the first step to overcoming low self-esteem including the various practical approaches you highlighted, such as challenging negative self-talk amongst others.

This is definitely a must read for anyone struggling with low self-esteem.

Thanks for sharing.


This is the most beautiful comment to me so far in a long time😊. Thank you so much bro, I am really greatful
