Malnutrition: causes and the way of preventions


The human body is a complex machine. It requires a diverse array of nutrients to function optimally. From proteins and vitamins to minerals, each nutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining our health and vitality. Our primary source of these essential nutrients is food, though our body can generate Vitamin D from sunlight as well.

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These nutrients necessary because they are the building blocks of our body and are necessary for the functioning of the body. For instance, proteins are the building blocks of life, essential for the repair and growth of tissues. Carbohydrates and fats provide the body with energy to fuel its various functions, while vitamins and minerals facilitate countless biochemical processes, from boosting immunity to promoting bone health.

Nutritious substances play vital role in maintaining and functioning of the body. There are two conditions which are associated with our diet: under-nutrition and over-nutrition.

Under-nutrition: Malnutrition, is the deficiency of nutrients. It can manifest in various ways, from visible wasting of fat and muscle to more subtle internal imbalances. Even if someone is overweight, he can still be undernourished if his diet lacks essential nutrients or his body struggles to absorb them.

Macronutrient under-nutrition, is also known as protein-energy under-nutrition. It occurs when the body doesn't receive enough proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These macronutrients are vital for providing the energy needed to sustain life. Without them, the body starts to break down tissues and conserve energy, leading to a host of health issues.

Micronutrient under-nutrition refers to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. Our body requires these nutrients in smaller quantities, but their absence can have significant consequences. Mild deficiencies may go unnoticed, but severe cases can result in serious and lasting health effects.

Over-nutrition: as the term suggests, it is the result of consuming excessive nutrition. Malnutrition isn't just about under-nutrition. Over-nutrition, characterized by excessive consumption of nutrients, can be equally harmful. Obesity, a form of over-nutrition, is strongly linked to a range of non-communicable diseases, posing a significant health risk. On the other hand excessive taking of vitamins can also harm our body significantly.

Now, you might be wondering, who is at risk of malnutrition? The truth is, it can affect anyone, regardless of socioeconomic status. Even individuals who appear well-off may suffer from malnutrition due to poor dietary choices or underlying health conditions. Obesity, often associated with wealth, can ironically lead to malnutrition if it's accompanied by a diet lacking in essential nutrients.

How can we prevent malnutrition?

The key lies in adopting a balanced and varied diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Educating ourselves about nutrition, practicing mindful eating, and seeking professional guidance when needed. Now a days, people are forced to drink RO water which lacks essential minerals. So, drinking water full of minerals is also necessary. This can safeguard us against problem of malnutrition.

If someone is suffering from low or high body temperature, low heart rate and blood pressure, frequent and severe infections, stunted growth and intellectual development in children, weakness, faintness, and fatigue, irritability, apathy, or inattention, thin arms and legs with edema in belly and face, dry, inelastic skin with rashes, brittle hair, hair loss, and/or hair pigment loss, and low body weight, bulging bones, depleted fat, and muscle etc., that person needs consulting a doctor.

In short, malnutrition is a multifaceted issue that demands attention and action. It is not confined to the poor. The rich can also be affected form it. By understanding the importance of nutrition, recognizing the risk factors, and taking proactive steps to prioritize our health, we can stay healthy and happy.

With love from @erica005.
