indian summer on the rocks


the path ends here. i parked about 1 km away and followed the path to one of my favorite places on this rocky coast. carved by glaciers it's both rugged and smooth at the same time

it's a place to be alone in the elements. earth, water, fire and air are pure and plentiful here. though it is not far from civilization you can feel the energy and the force of nature. yes it's in the sea air but there's more

there's power in these rocks that cannot be captured in a photograph. you need to sit there and take it in. they don't have the mighty majesty of mountains but the closeness to the naked brutal truth of time and your own insignificance stares you in your face with those crooked smiles. and you can't help but thank them for relaying the message so gently. so smoothly in tones so appealing that you embrace the reality

their wisdom is unmistakeable. enduring, persisting, rolling with the punches, showing signs of age that make them all the more alluring

completely exposed nowhere to hide these are my rocks. no, of course i don't own them. only in the eyes of the foolish can somebody own something like this. but for the moment the place is mine and it accepts my presences and proceeds to possess me

not to control me in any way but lead me to recognize freedom, to clutch on to their beauty and plant it into the essence of my existence and persist.

softly determined

the forces of life thrive among the unyielding elements. it begins with the pioneer lichens mastering the advantages of mutualistic symbiosis. no algae could survive alone here. it would never be able to gain a foothold on these bare rock surfaces. but a fungus could. because of the presence of chitin in their cell walls they can penetrate rock but there would be no source of energy and nutrition so it would be pointless to try. yet working together the fungus can bore out a stronghold making tiny cracks in the rock and the algae can feed it through photosynthesis, which in itself is genuine magic. and this extraordinary union paves the way for more complex life forms like wildflowers and grass to thrive in holes and cracks and low spots where water gathers

seeing all this i recognize that somewhere in this wonder i also fit in. yes these are my rocks, my shore. and the waves are rolling gently for now.

i haven't mentioned it but by now perhaps subconciously you realized that there had to be crystals involved, these aren't the little pocket sized bijous you can pick up in a rock shop. they are here by the tons, huge streaks of pure crystal larvikite. with their rough faceted surface they are nothing like the smooth glacially polished stone so prevalent elsewhere. crystals, something about vibration and frequency. i recall the famous words of nikola tesla If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration

well my brain may not understand the world but i can feel the energy and vibration of this place. the largest streak of crystal is quite steeply sloped but there's a little ledge with just enough place to sit. i scrambled up and managed to get comfortable laying back on the slope with crystals under me from head to toe.

the sun was unseasonably warm for september here, we affectionately call such fine early autumn weather, indian summer. it's nothing like the hellishly hot summer in india but that's neither here nor there. as i relax and focus on taking deep slow breaths inevitably the doors song comes to mind. i love the mellow amorous mood of the song but as a profession of romantic love the lyrics are unusually cruel and deceitful. only here it makes more sense, not romantic love but love of place. a place commands no loyalty, one can freely love many places and none of them will feel the least bit of anxiety or need to possess you

through deliberate easy breath i strive to submerge into the depths of this reality where lubricious notions rise. i begin drifting off into something between a dream and a meditation. the firm rock supporting me, the forgiving waves sloshing below me, the cordial sun in my face and a light breeze of invigorating pure sea air filling my lungs. the elements are particularly benign. my thumb meets my index finger as i love you the best... flows in and out of my mind as it turns increasingly inward.

i stayed a good spell. when it felt like it was time to go i set off in the open terrain on a different route than how i came

some mysterious being had been here ages before me and left their enigmatic mark among the more recent lichen,

i'll be back. it's a different world here in a gale.


There are many stones, where did so many stones or rocks come from?


they came from the other side. all matter is derived from conciousness
