Taking The Time for a Refresher Course

I recently looked up recent tutorials on new technologies such as 'Blockchain',' Web3', and 'Generative A.I' so I could see how people explain it now. The instructors I watched were definitely better informed than when I was researching these videos years previously.

The information was solid and easily digestible without any 'hype' clouds hindering the knowledge. The whole learning experience was more streamlined and overall I actually felt like I understood the technology and it's purposed much better than when I first began researching them.

The information and the examples given for the purpose of these technologies was generally much better then when all of these subjects first started to become known and many instructors used the same examples to explain the concept.

The recent instructors are more knowledgeable and concise because instead of suffering through several 45-50 minute explanation videos from years prior, I saw a few 15-25 minute videos for 'Blockchain', 'Web3', and 'Generative A.I.', and the instructors in them were well informed and could solidly explain the entire subject without getting too complicated in the terminology.

I get so caught up in the upper tiers of these subjects that I need the refresher to get a better idea of what new entrants are being taught and how they were instructed on how to view these technologies.

It's important to refresh that foundational knowledge than many realize and if the information is becoming easier to digest then why not take the time to take a refresher on the subject? I don't regret it and I am certain others won't either.

Thanks for reading!


It's important to refresh that foundational knowledge than many realize and if the information is becoming easier to digest then why not take the time to take a refresher on the subject? I don't regret it and I am certain others won't either.

Agreed, tech and knowledge moves so fast these days, what may have been base knowledge will probably have changed or at least simplified over time.
