RE: The Complexities of Caring for Aging Parents
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It is a delicate subject and I do not want to question any decision. I, in particular, also decided to take care of my father and you know that I live with my mother. It was a personal decision, but it doesn't seem normal to me not to take care of those who took care of me when I needed them.
And I don't want to stop decorating that you are a great person. Your actions say it.
A hug @manclar.
Yes, this is a difficult topic, there are many things to evaluate, in my case, despite so much abuse and things, I ended up being a good son and taking care of them. I think my end is going to be different, I'm going to end up alone and dying in a bed, they will find me weeks later when my body is decomposed and the smell is unbearable. The truth is I'd rather die at home and alone than in a nursing home with strangers I don't want to meet.
A hug @enraizar
Surely we share in the end, the neglect of the elderly has become a habit. And, certainly, I would rather die alone than incarcerated.
Hug 🤗.
It is a harsh reality, I hope in a next incarnation (if there is one) to have an even more difficult challenge like having to survive managing my millions in a millionaire family, and living in a developed country with all the communities, worrying about envy from my cousins and aunts. Now that is a real life challenge. 😂
I can't imagine a harder life, that next life would be horrible. You're scaring me 😱
It could be even more difficult if they make me the leader of the world planet and I choose a cave tree as vice president.