Tuning In


Have you ever been so in tune with something, that you notice little pieces just pop out of no where that say, "Hey, you are." 'You are'. Because I am. It so happened to occur to me this day, on the 5th birthday of Hive, that the planet and I, were aligned.

I was going to make this an entry for some raffle tickets in that post from the Hive people themselves (but, aren't we all Hive? Why does one account garner more attention than the rest 🤔?) but, I decided that I don't really need a hundred HBD as bad as someone else that is probably scrambling just to pay their electric bill.

So, I decided instead, to throw out a few wisecracks and pay homage to some things that I do love about this place.

First and foremost would be @thealliance. I helped to build this family oriented organization years before Hive was even born. I say helped, because just as @shadowspub is known for saying, "it's all about the community", so too, would there be no Castle standing today if I did it all on my own accord. The Alliance embodies that community aspect and has passed it along to countless others on this blockchain.


In fact, another of my conquests, PIMP (like so many others), was born within the halls and walls of The Alliance Castle. In its early stages, it was a tiny little worthless token nobody cared about but people had faith in me. People like @tattoodjay, @brisby, @thekittygirl, @dbooster, @latino.romano, my sister @snook, @silverd510 and my queen of all the things - @saffisara, never gave up on my goals.

Sure, there were other early adopters, but that core and a handful of others believed in me and now? The PIMP token gets put in the tops of lists across Hive for multiple reasons and one of them being - what has carried over from the fam that spawned it. The community.

Now, I could go on and tag a thousand people and how we have become close on and off chain like @katrina-ariel (love you mama bear) and @papacrusher (bass are starting to bite!) and this person and that person and probably their cousins and in-laws too, but then this post would take a month to write. Don't let the sun go down on you.

So, know that I love all of you in that regard and am happy to be here, even if I'm not here. I mean who am I and who are you? What do you do? Do you REMEMBER TO BE YOU!? I always am, because we're all mad here.

thealliance new pagebreak 2.png

Hive projects I am heavily vested in:

The Alliance 360.pngPIMP 360.pngSGS 360.pngsurgentgaming360.pngnism9360.pngpollenation360.pngblemish360.png
The AlliancePIMP DistrictPrecious MetalsSurgent GamingNISMThe Pollen NationBLEMISH

because I can
So Can WE
Vote Witty
and Pollenation

Is Voting WITNESSES difficult?
Let me do it for you!
Set me as your PROXY VOTER!



We can only be who we are. You can’t choose your biologically related family, but you can choose who you want in your own family…..


I really need to try and make it to one of those PIMP meetings sometime...


Great work worth highlighting to celebrate these five years of blockchain.

Lovinghive ❤️


Haha Witty disproves the notion that pimpin ain’t easy.

I remember first starting out on #PYPT and hanging with all the cool kids and realizing that a witness was present! A little star struck and appreciative of the community connections when a little minnow could hang on discord with a witness!

The Alliance has always been a great family and it had been great getting to know each of them a little or a lot. Love that the Sunday hangs are back on the menu and enjoyed visiting a couple weeks back for an hour or 2.

Wonder what the next 5 years will hold for us and how many more connections will be made.


Still a hard road to follow my dude. Been several a time I was all like, fuggit, I'm done. But, it's that family aspect that keeps me coming back. Got love for yas out here !PIMP


Yah that is one of the secret powers of Hive. You can walk away for a new perspective, then come back to find friends keeping the lights on and making tracks.

Pimpin ain't easy.
